Something Simple, Yet Not

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Hello everyone!! I am so sorry I haven't posted anything lately on Sir Guy and Maven/Fay. This chapter is a bit longer and I do hope to post more consistently on this story. I love the small amount of feed back that I have gotten! I'm down for hearing anything you have to say about the story or my writing. I'm still growing and want to hear what all of you lovely readers think! Anyways.... I'll stop rambling and let you get on with reading what happens to our favorite minion of the Sheriff of Nottingham!



 The day of rest the physician ordered had come and passed. I still laid in Sir Guy's bed. He didn't allow me to leave his room at all the previous day. I sat there and stared at the wall in front of me. I literally wasted a day of my life. Today, oh today would make up for all of it. I could barely sleep last night Today, I was riding into Locksley, as Lady Starla of Brighton, and tomorrow I would attend an event with Sir Guy at he castle as his personal guest. I smiled at the ceiling.

I looked next to me and saw Sir Guy still sleeping next to me. A sliver of light peeked through the shutters covering the windows. Finally, morning. Sir Guy was still asleep, if I were going to change into the orange dress that lay on the chest with out Sir Guy seeing me I would have to do it now. I slowly pulled the sheets off of me and turned on the bed. I stood from the bed as quietly as possible, then tip toed over to the chest.

I slipped off my black shirt and dropped it to the ground. I picked up the dress and slowly slid it over my head. I slipped my arms through the white puffy sleeves and let the dress fall to the floor. Picking up the end of the dress I took the leather pants off that I had been wearing. I stood there, happy. It was nice to be in something nice and light weight. I put the shirt and pants in the bottom of the chest that held several more dresses. Then, I picked up the decorative red belt that I had sat next to the chest. I pulled it around my waist and let it sit softly on my hips. I tied the ends of it together and pulled it so the knot sat just in front of my right hip.

Smiling at what I had on turned back to look at Sir Guy. "Sir Guy." I gasped. He was propped up on his elbow, starting at me. "How long have you been awake?"

"Not long." He sat up from the bed and pulled his feet out from the covers. I rolled my eyes and turned to pick up the chest that held the wig. I walked over and sat down next to him. The chest sat on my lap. "Thank you. For all of this. I never realized how much I had missed it." He looked over at me.

"Missing what?"

"Being a girl." I gave a slight laugh. "Wearing dresses." I opened the chest. "Having long hair."

"How long was it? Before you cut it?"

"To the small of my back. It was curly. Like the wig you got me." I smiled down at chest.

"Let me help you." I looked over at him. "With your wig." I smiled and nodded. I handed him the chest and turned so my back was to him. I heard the him set the chest on the ground then felt his fingers glide against my hair line as he pulled the wig over my short hair. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath as his fingers played with it to stay on my head. "There." he said when he was done and put his hands on my shoulders.

"Thank you." I turned to look back at him. "Now, if I'm going to get out of here with out the other servants seeing me I must go now." I walked over to the chest and pulled out the riding boots that sat on top. Sitting back down on the bed, I quickly slipped them on and laced them up. I watched as Sir Guy put on his jacket. He tossed me two saddle bags.

"Come on. We need to put your dresses in them." I smiled and walked over to the chest. He helped me fold up the dresses and pack them into the bags. There were three other simple dresses in there. There was also a pair of casual booties that matched all the dresses.

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