News Has Come

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It had been a few days since the Sheriff's little poison experiment. Henry of Louis was due to arrive today and Sir Guy and I were waiting in the courtyard tower for him to arrive. The last few days had been exactly like it was when I first came to Locksley. Sir Guy fell back into old ways. Not showing the kindness that I recently had saw. It was just like we had discussed. His eyes were alway frozen and his face was hard.

    The sun was about to reach noon and Henry still hadn't arrived. Sir Guy had become nervous that he wouldn't show up. He had required information that Hood was planning to stop him from getting here on the north road. I wondered how he had gotten the information, but it meant that we had to change his route which meant that it would take longer for him to arrive. The longer it took the more impatient the Sheriff got, which made Sir Guy nervous, which in turn caused him to be angry and it was not good to be around him.

"What is taking him so long?" Sir Guy slammed his hands on the ledge of window opening as he yelled out. He turned away and started pacing back and forth. When his back was turned a carriage pulled into the courtyard.

"Sir Guy, he is here." He turned around and walked up to the window.

"Finally." he turned and walked into the castle. I followed after him and we walked into the balcony of the war room. The Sheriff was walking around with a white model ship on the end of a stick.

"My Lord!" Sir Guy called down to him.

"What do you think? Which south cost port will King Richard make his final faithful landing at?"

"Well, we'll know soon enough. Henry's here. Just as I promised."

"Well done, Gisborne, well done." He set his stick down and walked out of the room and Sir Guy and I started back out towards the front of the castle to meet the Sheriff. The Sheriff walked out into the courtyard just before us. Sir Guy walked down to the carriage and the Sheriff made his way after him. I stood back on the stairs out of the way for them. "Henry of Louis." the Sheriff called as Sir Guy opened the doors to the carriage. "Welcome to my..." there was a groaning inside and a man fell from the seat, which I gathered was Henry. It looked like he was passed out. The Sheriff turned to Sir Guy. "Get me my physician." He turned and walked up to me.

"Get the Sheriff's physicians immediately!" I nodded and ran into the castle. There was a knew physician in the castle. I had not met him. The old one that knew my secret had died.

    Anyways, I ran to the physicians room. I opened his doors and ran right in. He was messing with his leeches and pulling them out of the water then dropping them back in. "Excuse me, sir, the Sheriff needs you immediately." I lowered my head as I talked.

"Where is he and what is the matter?" he asked. He didn't seem like he was in a hurry.

"In his study. It's a man that just arrived and he was just unconscious."

"Well then, grab my leeches boy." he walked out of the room and I started after him confused. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the glass bowl that held a ton of leeches swimming around in the water. They absolutely disgusted me.

    I ran after the physician to the Sheriff's study. When I walked in I saw Henry laying on a table with a blanket draped over him and his shirt off. "Over here boy!" the physician motioned me over by the Henry's head. He walked over and started placing the leeches on the man's body. He held them up in front of my face and cringed at the sight of them. Henry was groaning in pain. I could tell he was on the verge of coming close to death. This man better know what he is doing. Because if the Sheriff doesn't get what he want from Henry, there was going to be hell in the castle.

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