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By: Imani Russell


"When I think of Halloween, it makes me think...what's the point of dressing up like scary creatures for the prize of.... what? Tooth decay? Maybe a Halloween party might help me understand?" I said to my dad. "I already told you no. You can't go to that boy Bryce's party. Don't you have a crush on that boy?" my dad says. "Uhhh, maybe, but it's not like anything will happen," I say in an obvious sounding voice. "It's a high school party!" my dad says as we pull up to Sea west high in my dad's blue rusty old truck.

"Ppppplllleeeaaassseeeee!!!" I say. "Look. We'll talk about it later. I gotta go. Have a good day," he says. "I was going to have a good day," I walk out of the car.

Getting my curly brown hair out of my face. "Love you," my dad says. Then drives away.

"Love you too," I say in a low voice. I walk in the building. My name is Monica Weather, Mo for short. I'm 14. I live with my dad, just my dad. My mom disappeared when I was 8 years old.

My dad barely ever talks about her and when he does, he doesn't say much. I live on the edge of town in a gorgeous 3 story house in the mountains. It's beautiful scenery. I see my two best friends, Violet and Rose, in the hall. "Hey Mo! Nice shoes. Did your dad say you could go to the party?" Rose said unsurprisingly. I rolled my eyes. "No. He said no," I said with disappointment. They were trying to comfort me. Which I needed but didn't show. "Come on. Maybe math will cheer you up," Violet said. "I doubt it," I said. Then we went to class. I heard a strange noise in the hall. Like someone was calling me. I ignored it for the time being but it still got my attention later.

I kept hearing it up to school the next day. Like something else freaky was about to happen. It was Friday. I was walking through the halls and I saw Bryce. I was so nervous I accidently knocked into the girl I hated most, Sapphire. "Hey watch where you're going freak!" Then she started laughing with her group of tarantulas. "What's wrong, cat got your tongue?" she said.

"No. Did you switch brains with Frankenstein?" I said. Her cheeks turned red. She looked like a cat after someone stepped on their tail. I walked away and bumped into Bryce. I got really fluttery inside. "Wow. What you did was pretty cool," he said real dreamy. I started muttering strange things. He looked at me funny, but I didn't pay much attention. I was too busy getting lost in his gaze. He had the most beautiful eyes. "Uhhh..... Hello?" he said curiously.

I shook my head as if I were waking up from a dream. "Oh. Um, sorry. Thanks. So, like your having an, uh, party," I say trying to be noncilant. "Yeah. I do have a party coming up. You coming?"

I started to look at the ground. "No. I can't go," I said disappointed. "Strict dad," "Oh. I was really hoping you'd be going. Too bad. Well, see you around," He said sad. "See you," I said half smiling. Then walked away. I wasn't having a good day. Everything went wrong. I just want to crawl up and die. I know I'm being a little dramatic but I don't care. I'm not in the mood. But that changed when I sat down in a little place called the cafeteria. After second period my friends and I went to lunch. They were talking about biology when Christian Walker walks by our table. He's the second hottest guy in school, next to Bryce of course. Violet's head over heels for that guy.

After he left, she became a blabber mouth. "Oh my god! Did you see his biceps? He is sooo cute," I rolled my eyes. "But Bryce is hotter! Is he not?" I say. Rose speaks up. "Okay, there both hot. Now will you please?" Rose said annoyed. "She's right. You know. I bet that he'll come over here and talk to you," I say to Violet all confident. "Ooooh. Yay! All of your predictions always come true," "Yeah. It would be so cool if he talked you!" Violet and Rose were so excited. They weren't wrong. Every time I predict something, it comes true. It's a little freaky. Some I keep to myself. Too personal. "When?"

Violet said enthusiastically. I didn't say anything. Instead I held up my fingers and counted from 3.... 2..... 1. Then Christian walked over to our table. He walked up to Violet. "Umm. Hi. I was wondering. Are you going to Bryce's Halloween party?" He said in a rather dreamy voice. We're staring at Violet, and Violet is staring at Christian. I shook her to wake her up to what seems to be a dream.

"Oh. Sorry. Uhhhh. Yeah, I am going. Why Christian?" She said obviously knowing what he's going to ask. "Well. I was wondering if you....would want to go with me, like as a date," he said shyly. I swear, I think after he said that her heart stopped. She stared at him like she was a bunny and he was a carrot, hungry for love. Rose had to pinch her. "Yes! I mean...yes. I would love too. Meet me outside after school?" Violet said all dreamy like.

"Sure! See you then," Then he walked away. We all started talking about how lucky she was to be dating a cute and popular guy. Then I got quiet. I knew someone was coming. I don't know who or why. But my sense got really strong. It was weird. I turned to the door. Violet and Rose looked at the doors too. Then they opened.

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