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I sooo hate some things. Like plankton. Ugh. And cartoons with girly voices even though they're dudes. Sooooo annoying. Read with your eyelids open!


 2 whole minutes. Yes, that's how long our hug was. I finally let go, realizing he wasn't going to. “We better go,” I said to him with my head down. Looking him in the eye was too hard. But he lifted my head up anyway and said, “I love you Mo. I always will,” then I lost it.

   “Don't you know I want you but I can't have you?! You both are the sweetest and most awesome people I've ever met! And I know I sound stupid for complaining but I won't sound stupid when I end up breaking someone's heart in half!”

  And when I said the last part I picked up a twig and snapped it. Then I ran into the nearby shed, crying. I went to a corner and sat down with my hands on my head. Being me is so much harder than you would think. I don't want to hurt anyone. I cover my eyes with my hands for a while letting my emotions go. I'm not crying just because of my boy problems, but so much more. My dad, my mom, my brother, my life. I never got to cry like this.

   I always had to be strong for my dad. Being weak wasn't an option. I heard a creek at the door. I looked up to see someone so unexpected. I saw Beam. I wiped my eyes and tried to act casual. “Um…hey. What are you doing here?” I said to her curious. She rolled her eyes. “I saw you walk in here and wanted to make sure you were okay,” she said. I stood up and looked at her puzzled. “I thought you didn't like me?” I said to her. She walked toward me.

    “Don't get me wrong I don't,” she said to me. I stopped pretending I was fine and got sad again. “I just don't know what to do or say to them. Bryce said he would die without my love, well, something like that anyway and I'm just so messed up right now. What do I do?” I said to her. She rolled her eyes and got closer to my face. “I know what you should do,” she said to me. “Really? What?” I said a little impatient.

    “Get over yourself,” That's it. That's what she said to me as advice? I was pretty peeved at her. “That's your advice? I thought you were supposed to help?” I said walking away from her. She rolled her eyes again which was starting to bother me. “I am helping. Do you even know how selfish you're being?” she said to me almost yelling. I turned around fast. “What are you talking about? I'm not the bad guy here, they are!” “For what!” she said loud enough for someone outside to here. “Sssshhhh!!!!!!” I said to her afraid someone might hear us in here.

    “Don't shush me! They didn't do anything but want to be with you! Is that so bad! They're going through the same thing as you! But I don't know why they try so hard anyway," I stopped shushing her and took in what she said. “Maybe they try so hard because I'm likable! Is that why you try so hard too!” She rolled her eyes, again! “Oh, P-leease! Why don't you do us a favor and get over yourself!” When she said that my heart kind of stopped. She was right. I've been being selfish for the longest time not knowing how it must feel for them. She started toward the door. “Where are you going?” I said. She turned around, her face turning red. “Why! So you can slam me some more!

   Unlike you I actually care about them! Both of them! Don't you get it! You're not the only one in this anymore! Based on your stupid choices, other people are going to get hurt!

    And I'm not just talking about Bryce and Jaylen anymore,” I slid down the wall having her words stick to me like mud sticks to your shoes on a rainy day. She walked over and sat down next to me. “I know this is hard for you but you have to understand that we're counting on you to win this fight,” Tears were building up inside me. “I'm such a screw up. I'm supposed to be focusing on the goal here but all I do is go fool around with your brother and Bryce, not even caring about how much danger the world is in right now.

    And not even to mention I hang out with them like we're dating even though we're just friends. It's not fair to them at the fact that Bryce said he loved me and Jaylen's probably not far behind, but…..” she finished my sentence for me.

  “But you don't love them back. It's okay. You don't have to choose right now. All you need to do is focus on the task at hand and avoid any awkward situations, okay?” I looked at her, seeing, also a first, a smile on her face.

   Not a fake one, but one that's warming and reassures me that I have a friend to come to. “Why are you being so nice to me? I thought you hated me,” I said, tears already taking place on my face. “I did, but that's only because I never really realized the situation you were in. I always thought you were selfish but…” “I am selfish,” “No, you're not. You're just struggling. This is a big bomb to drop on you and I totally get it. I'm always here,” she padded me on the back.

   We're not really at hug stage yet. But I didn't care, I hugged her anyway. “Thanks. You gave me what no one else could offer, friendship,” She looked at me weird. “What about Violet and Rose?” she said to me. “Well them too but they don't know about, you know,” I gestured to the shed.

   She lifted her eyebrows like she remembered something. “Oh, right. Don't tell them about this, okay?” I laughed. “You mean the hug or the whole werewolf thing?” she laughed even louder when I said that. “Neither!” After that we just laughed and talked about girl stuff and painted each other’s nails and made friendship bracelets. Ha! That was a test and if you thought that actually happened, then you don't know me at all.


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