The normal life

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Read with your eyelids open! (or closed if you're a ghost) ;)


Hanging out. It's what I love doing. That's what Beam and I really did after we had our talk. We even invited Violet and Rose to join us on our way to the mall. Beam's actually not as tom boyish as you would have thought.

“Hey Violet. It's Mo,”

“Hey Mo! What's up!”

“Well you know that new girl, Beam?”

“Oh yeah! The girl that doesn't really like me and with bad fashion, right?”

“Um, yeah. I guess. She and I are going to the mall and…”

“Oh good! You're buying her new wardrobe that's great! I got to go so…”

“Wait! I wanted to know if you wanted to come with us or not?”

“Sorry, I'm going out with Christian tonight,”

“That's the 12th time this month. You may have a problem,”

“Relax, just invite Rose or whatever now bye…”

“Wait! I already called rose she's coming but I want you to…”

“Hon, I can't talk Christian’s calling, Ttyl girlfriend!”

Beep…Beep… Beep. I ended the call on my phone. I can't believe she blew me off… AGAIN! “So what did she say? Beam asked after I was off the phone. We were on the trail to the mall waiting on a big rock for Rose. “She's not coming. She kept cutting me off when we talk and blowing me off for stupid Christian who's only the third hottest guy in school!” She looked at me like I was crazy. “Third?” she said to me. “You know, next to Bryce and your brother,” She smiled a little. “Creepy but okay,” I chuckled. We got up but she put her hand in front of me. “What?” I said.

“Did Violet say something about me?”

“Why do you think that?”

“Cause I heard you say ‘well you know that new girl, Beam’ then you said ‘Um yeah. I guess’,”

“Yeah she talked about you,”

“Well what'd she say about me?”

“…can't remember,”

“Uh…okay. Well was it nice?”


“Was it okay?”


“Would it be bad enough for me to punch her on Monday?”


“Did she compliment me on anything?”

“What? I already said it wasn't nice so why would she compliment you?”

“It could be a bad compliment,”

I rolled my eyes at her and started walking. By the time we could see the mall Rose had found us. While we were shopping I told Rose about what Violet said when she asked if she was coming. “I can't believe Vy said that to you? She's been really off it ever since she started dating Christian. Always busy and always having an attitude! I say no more!” she was almost yelling and everyone in Forever21 was staring at us. I could tell she was about to say more so I covered her mouth with my hand. Rosy is going to be president one day and I just know it. “Okay, I get it. I think popularity is starting to get to her,” Rose nodded her head in agreement.

   Now that I think about it, the popular crowd and the Black Devils are a lot alike. They both are mean, both have extremely long nails, and both take little boys' lunch boxes. Beam came out of the dressing room so we could see her sparkly silver blouse. “Omg Beam! You look great in that blouse!” Rose said to Beam. “Yeah you look awesome! Hold on, let me take a pic of this!” I said. I got out my phone.

   “The blouse really compliments my eyes doesn't it?” Rose gave her a simple smile and said, “Yeah! It really….!” Rose paused for a second, looking at Beam sideways.

    “Yyyeeeaahhhh,” Rose said thinking. After I took about 5 pics I finally understood what was happening.

    Rose was wondering how her eyes were silver just like I did. She's smarter than everyone at school apparently. “Um, that's good! How about you try on the next outfit Beam?” she looked at me weird.

    I gave her the ‘hurry before Rose finds out’ look and she finally understood. “Oh! Right! Brb guys,” she walked back in the dressing room. We finally finished shopping at around 7:30 and the whole time Rose was eyeballing me. I knew right when she scooted away from Beam that she was close to figuring out our little secret which was causing a big problem.

Yay! Updating is almost as fun as Soap and peanuts! hahaha. I have no idead what that means.

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