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I feel so close to you right now it's a force field.....I never understood that song i mean if your so close why is it like a force field that keeps people out. Read with your eyelids open(unless you're a ghost) ;)


  Yawn. I woke up on the bed with a mop of hair in my eyes. I popped up really fast and ended up falling off the bed and hitting my head. I got up and moaned. I saw a body in front of me. I wiped the hair from my face. “Bryce?” he just looked at me like I was crazy.

  At that moment all the events that have happened came to me and made me feel uncomfortable with him looking at me in my PJ's. “Um…can you leave?” I asked him uncomfortable.

   “Oh…um. Yeah, sure,” he said to me. He left the room while I got dressed. By the time I got downstairs, breakfast was on the table. I sat down across from Bryce.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey,” he said.

Silence hung in the air while we ate in peace.

  After a long time of silence Bryce finally said something. “I'm sorry I tried to eat you……….and some other stuff,” I looked at him looking down at his empty plate.

“It's okay,”



He looked guilty. I would forgive him but I can't. It was too much to handle. I didn't even want to think about it. “I'm gonna go,” I said to him and got up from the table. I got my coat and walked out of the house. When I got outside the air was cold and dry. It was windy outside so I put on my jacket. I went to the only place that I thought I could go to. My eyes watered.

  The air was already cold, but it was even colder as high up that I was. My mountain, it was all mine. The mountain towered over the city like a human over a little ant. I was sitting on a bench at the edge of the mountain. I had tears running down my face. I heard a rustle behind me. I spun around fast prepared to defend myself.

   I let myself relax at the sight of Jaylen. Even if it was Beam or Rose or Bryce or Christina or Angel, I would have been uncomfortable. “Oh. It's you,” He smiled like he was happy to see me. I relaxed for about two seconds. Then I got curious. “What are you doing on Octavia?” He looked at me with a sly brow.

   “Octavia? You mean Antonio?” Then we were both confused. “Wait, wait, wait, wait,” we both said I the same time holding our hands up like we were trying to shoo someone away.

  “You go up here?” Jaylen said. “Yeah, you know when I need to think,” I said in curiosity.

  “So do I,” Jaylen said with a banana sized smile. We both laughed saying no way to each other in shock. I patted the space next to me on the bench. “Come sit down,” I said with a warm smile. He rolled his eyes and walked over to me. “So when did you find the mountain?” He asked me. “Two years ago. What about you?” “About the same time. This place has always helped me think,” he said looking into the distance. “Same here. It helps calm me down when I'm confused and helps me come up with a solution,” he smiled with a little chuckle escaping his lips. “Hey you want some?” and with that he pulled out a pizza from his bag.

  “Sure, thanks,” I took a piece of pizza. I reached in my bag and took out about 2 dozen brownies. I offered some to him and he took it gladly. We ate in silence for about 20 minutes. Then Jaylen broke the silence with a loud burst of laughter.

   “What?” I said to him. “We're such weirdos,” he said to me. And with that I laughed. Then I snorted out loud, loud enough to make an echo. I quickly covered my mouth.

  “Wow. Talk about embarrassing,” he said like I was his grandma doing yoga. “Well at least I'm not afraid,” I said uncaring.

  “Please, I'm way more daring,” he said. I looked at him like he was crazy. “You don't know what I do up here,” I said to him getting up. I stood at the edge of the mountain. I saw Jaylen staring at me from the corner of my eye. “JAYLEN IS A MAN WHORE!!!!” I screamed off the edge of the cliff. I turned around to see Jaylen bug eyed staring at me with red cheeks. “Awww! You're blushing! It must be true!” I said to him in a pouty voice. Now he looked mad. But a mad that makes you want to gloat. “You are SO DEAD!!!” He said to me. I ran past him but he grabbed me in a giant bear hug, except it wasn't a warm one. I was thrashing at him, but playfully.

   “LET ME GO!” I said laughing. He put me down but he didn't let go of my hands. “Okay handsy, let go,” I said to him. “Sure, right after this,” “Right after whAT!!!” In The middle of my sentence he started tickling me.

  Yes, you heard it here first folks. “Stop it! STOP IT!” I screamed at him, but he didn't stop. “Say Jaylen's the best person in the world and I'll stop,” he said with a devious smile. “No……..way!” I said barely. He then tackled me and pinned me down so I couldn't move and tickled me harder.

   “FINE!!! Fine. Jaylen's the best person in the world,” he finally stopped. I got up and hit him on the shoulder. “Ow! What was that for?” he said holding his shoulder. “You know why!” he smiled deviously again and I pushed him back.

  Then a question came to mind. “Hey Jaylen, why did you come up here?” I asked him. He looked at me for a long time, and then he sighed. Well the truth is…I've been coming up here every day since I met you,” He smiled. “That's why you're here on your mountain?” I said sheepishly. “No, that's why I'm here on our mountain,” he smiled a killer teen magazine smile. Which made me smile since he has such an effect on me. “What about you?” he asked. “What?” I said in return. He chuckled. “Why did you come up here?” he said.

   I thought of how Bryce and I had grown apart and what had happened. I thought about it in detail, EXTREME detail. I saw Jaylen look at me with anger in his eyes. I then realized that he was reading my thoughts. But the anger wasn't toward me, it was toward Bryce.

   “Jaylen wait! It's not what you think!” I said trying to convince him. That's when I saw it. My long distance vision was coming in handy. I can't believe he would spy on us like that.

  Especially when he knows he can't control his emotions. He knows how much power he has, but he uses it to get his emotions out. There's no telling what will happen next. “What is it?” Jaylen finally asked. I pointed to the mountain next to us. My finger shook, my voice cracked, but it was because of fear. “Bryce,”

 Oooooooo shit just got REAL!!!!!!

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