When one door opens, another one closes

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OOoooooooooo what wil happen. The surprise is so good I can't even say my modo.... enjoy my blessings.


  As we walked to Jaylen's house, I explained everything to them. They told me about how as soon as they noticed I was gone they told everyone else to go home and Bryce and Jaylen would find me but Beam followed us anyway. They were surprised when Beam showed up too.

  We walked the rest of the way with me and Beam talking about what happened with Grant and then Bryce and Jaylen said in sync, “Can you please not talk about that?” We both laughed at their twinness.

  We finally got to Jaylen's house and I was relieved to see something familiar again. When we got in. Everyone was waiting for us.

   When they saw me, they ran up and hugged me. What really took me by surprise was that Jaylen's dad hugged me too. I looked at him a little confused. “I'm sorry. I've been a jerk to you Mo. It wasn't fair for me to judge you like that. I'm sorry,” he said. I could tell he meant it. He stuck his hand out and instead I went for the hug. It took a few seconds but he finally hugged me back. When he let go, his eyes went straight to Jaylen. “Talk to him,” I said to Jaylen's dad gently while smiling. He smiled back and started walking toward Jaylen.

  They left the room and of course everyone wanted to know what happened. I was a little self conscious about the story, but I felt better after sharing it with people I love.

   Then we all joined in the family room to watch a movie.

   I felt like part of the family. Bryce seemed to be enjoying himself too. Jaylen and Bryce were becoming good friends now. I loved it. But there was something I had to do. Before I chickened out. “Jaylen,” I said as I reached down and touched his shoulder. He turned around smiling at me. “Yeah?” he said. “Can I talk to you for a sec?” I said my voice breaking. I was hoping he didn't notice, but I could tell by his curious and nervous expression that he noticed. “Sure,” he said. We got up and walked to their balcony. My nerves got bigger and bigger the closer we got.

  We finally reached it and the temperature was fair. A slight breeze hit me as I leaned over the balcony. Taking in all the scents.

  He looked at me, and I looked at him. Then we both looked away. I wasn't exactly sure how to start the conversation.

  He sighed and didn't say anything for a few long seconds. The he spoke. “He apologized. For all the years he wasn't there for me. For all the years he wasn't a father to me, but a boss. He said he loved me,” Jaylen spoke with an uneasy tone. Like he was about to cry. I looked at him and he looked at me. Then he smiled. “I forgave him though,” he said sounding a lot better than before. I hugged him and he instantly hugged me back. Our hug was long and meaningful.

  I was starting to feel bad for my next words. I pulled away from the hug and stared at him with sorrow in my eyes. “What's wrong?” He asked concerned. I took a deep breath as tears welled up in my eyes. “We can't be together anymore,” I said as slowly as possible. He looked taken aback, hurt. His eyes burned into mine with sorrow and longing. “What?” he breathed out. This made it even harder not to cry. “Jaylen I really like you.

   I actually love you but…it's not in that way. I love you like a brother Jaylen. And I tried, I tried to think of anything more but I just can't, I can't do it. I can't think of you as anything else and…..” I had to stop to wipe the tears that were now pouring down my face.

    “When I kissed you, I didn't feel anything. I'm sorry Jaylen, I'm sorry,” I was crying full blown now. I couldn't go on anymore.

  This was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Before I knew it, he wrapped me in a hug and tried to shush me. So I would calm down.

   “It's okay Mo. Hey. Look at me,” I put my head up and stared into his eyes. “It's okay,” he said a little bit more gentle. I could tell he wasn't lying. He just held me there in his arms grabbing me and rocking me back and forth. I knew it was okay but I felt like I just couldn't stop. 

   He just held me there without saying a word. I didn't say anything either.

  We just listened to the wind, it was a lot more gentle than before. Then I realized something, life is going to be hard for me. But I would power through. I could get through anything. With friendship, trust, and the loving power of Halloween.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! YEAH BITCHES YA'LL THOUGHT IT WAS GONNA BE SOME CLICHE CRAPPY FUCKED UP TWILIGHT SHIT BUT NO IT AIN'T MY HOMIES WOOHOO!!!!! sorry. I'm going to say this for my next book which is a sequel to this. READ WITH YOUR EYELIDS OPEN(UNLESS YOU'RE A GHOST) ;)  I'm going to update this story when i post the first chapter to the sequel. Pease my babies!!!

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