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I hope no one dies......*devious smiles*


   When I walk home I know a short cut through the woods that gets me home quicker. I walk over to a tree stump and sit down. I put down my book bag on the ground and took something out of my pocket. It was my mom's necklace. I take it everywhere. It's usually around my neck though but I forgot to put it on. I opened the locket which contained a picture of me, my mom, my brother, and my dad in the park one day. I didn't know my brother too well. But he was nice to me. I know it's weird that my brother was nice but it's true. He baked for me, gave me the special treatment on my birthday, gave me piggy-back rides when we were younger and always made me laugh. He loved everyone, me, his family, and our parents.

   But when the time came, he left with my mom. They're both lost. While I stare at the picture, I notice something in the background. Something I've never seen before. There's a figure in the background. It looks like a dog. Then I gasp. Or a werewolf. The fear of being alone in the woods comes back. I shut the locket noticing another thing that set me off. When I closed the locket, the outside was shaped like a heart broken in two. This wouldn't have scared me until today. I shove the locket in my jean pocket and stand up.

   I lean down to pick up my book bag but it's not there. I hear the voice telling me to die once again and then I freak out. “What do you want from me? What…do…you…want!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. It doesn't respond, but I don't expect it to. I panic, then I just start running toward my house. I hear something chasing after me, so I run faster until I reach my house. I frantically twist the knob but it won't open. “My key!” I reach into my pockets but it's not there. I left it in my bag. I don't know what else to do. Then the wolf jumps out at me landing to close to my face. “Say goodbye princess,” it said to me. Then as it snatched for my arm something came shooting from my left tackling the furry beast. It was one of its kind but by the way they were sprawling at each other, I could tell they weren't on the same side. I ran to the other side of my house. I stood there gasping when I heard complete silence. I heard something walking toward me. I stayed quiet but cautious. I heard it getting closer. I looked over my shoulder and see a wolf lying down at my feet. I look at it. It looks harmless.

    I lean down and stroke it's fur. “Well I know you can talk. Where'd you come from?” It looked down at the ground, then it stood up and walked away. I walked toward the woods. “Wait, come back!” I followed it. We were in the middle of the woods and it was walking to fast. When I caught up I couldn't find it.

    “Hello? Here wolfy wolfy,” I was walking toward a big tree and saw something out of the corner of my eye. I turned around and saw a house. It wasn't big, it was more like a shed. I walked toward the house when it came back. “The name's Black. You know my brother from school,” he looks at me. I was confused. “Jaylen or Bryce?” he laughed.

    “It's Jaylen. He's mentioned Bryce, a lot. Not in a good way, though,” I giggled. “I can relate. My names Monica,” “I know. He talks about you, a lot,” I blush a little. “Oh, I didn't know,” He rolls his eyes which for some reason I didn't think was possible.

   “Don't flatter yourself. Anyway, that's my house,” he walked over to the house. I was a little surprised to hear that that was his house. We walked over and got to the door. I stopped him. “Hey, I just want to say thanks. You know, for saving me back there,” He just ignored me and walked inside.

Hahahahaha. Jk. No one died I was just pulling your chain.

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