The bite

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I hate when people think of Vampires when they think if teeth....Werewolves madder too! Anywhat....Read with your eyelids open(unless you're a ghost)


  “That's not just a random bite. That bite is a lot more than that,” he said frantically, his fingers still rubbing up and down on my neck. “Yeah, I already know about the whole tracker thing. Jaylen told me,” I said still normally. But he was still freaking out.

   Then I started to freak out. “It's even more than that,” he said not looking at me. His fingers still hadn't moved. It felt awkward now. “Sit down,” I sat on the couch in the living room. He walked over to me and sat down. You would think he would have given up the whole touching my neck thing. Well as soon as he sat down, he started to touch it again. He looked intrigued by it.



“This bite does a lot more than just track people,” he seemed shaky, yet focused.

“What else is there?”

He took a long pause before speaking again.

“I don't know if I can tell you,” he said in a whispery voice.

“Why not?” I said starting to get more and more agitated.

“It's bad Mo,” he took a breath. A long one.

“It's really bad,” he said staring off in to the distance. He finally let go of my neck. I scooted closer to him.

“You can tell me. Please. I need to know,” I was starting to get shaky myself. He still stared into nothing. But I could tell he was about to speak.

“Okay. I'll tell you,” My ears were wide open. Whatever he was about to say, was serious.

“When you get bitten by a werewolf, you can bite a werewolf or non-werewolf it doesn't matter. When you're bitten, if they track you, there's something about it. When there's open blood and organs, it makes them go crazy. Whoever they're tracking, they'll find. At whatever cost. They'll find you. When they get there, they'll be blood thirsty, no, more than that. Soon you'll get bites all over.

   Everywhere, they come from Grant but you can't see him when he does it. One by one. Then when the time is right, all the Black Devils will come and take over you're lifeless body. You'll be nothing, nothing but a body that has no personality. You'll be like a ghost dancing in the wind, without purpose, without a reason to live,” He was close to tears I could tell.

   And so was I. He continued. “Then……the leader of the pack, Grant, he'll take you away for himself. Forever. For the rest of your life you'll belong with him, be his property. He can do anything he wants with you, because those bites control you. They keep you from the ability to ever fight your way out again. You'll be trapped, in the deep minds of yourself. With nothing but him to control you’re every move.

  And your last thought, will be…. I have nothing. I never had anything. This is my life now. A shell of a body with nothing inside but dust and I wish I could change it but I can't. It will ware off quickly.

  But by then it will be too late,” He was crying now, and so was I. This was real, this wasn't fake. I was going to be that girl. That girl who has nothing but a future of pain and misery, or someone who really doesn't have a future at all, you'll be living in yourself, but you won't be yourself. I shook my head refusing to believe it. “No,” I said hoarsely. “Isn’t there a cure?” I said desperately. He shook his head still staring at the wall. “There's no way to break it. Once you have your first bite, you can't do anything,” I still shook my head in disbelief. “No, no, no. This isn't happening,” I said. He shot his eyes at me in anger.

   “No! You're wrong, okay! This is happening! You can't choose to make it go away! On Halloween, you will die! There will be nothing left of you but your fucking body! Okay! Do you understand!? YOU ARE AS GOOD AS DEAD!!!” He screamed at me.

   With his eyes soaked with tears. My eyes watered. I cried. I was dead, I was already dead. He was right. I looked up at him. “Do you know, what it's like to know you're going to die in less than half a month? That you know you're going to die!?” I said shaky, scared of my own words. “Yeah, I do,” he said. Then I got mad. “HOW THE HELL DO YOU KNOW!!!” I screamed. He got off the couch.

   “BECAUSE I WAS WILLING TO DIE FOR YOU!!!! He said. I got off the couch and walked out of the door, leaving all my stuff and Bryce standing there. I couldn't believe he was going to die for me.

  I would rather die than have someone die for me. I would die, and I would do it for him.  I walked up the mountain, my place. My kingdom. The only place I could be alone. I sat down on the bench. I stared at the view. You'll be nothing. Bryce's words kept tumbling around in my head. What will happen to me?

  Will it be like me suffering a slow painful death? A slight breeze came from the north. Then I felt something wet on my head. I thought it was a raindrop, but it wasn't. It was snow. The white wonder of the world that brought everyone joy. Except me. Because what I saw, was something I couldn't handle. On the ground, was a small snow drop, covered in blood. I trembled as I slowly pulled up my leg.

  And there it was. A bite. Just like the one on my neck. It was big, black, and bloody. Then rain fell. Well at least I thought.

   But that wet drizzle, was only the water of my own tears. I was crying, but I didn't know. I was as good as dead. The process has already started. And soon, I took a deep breath between sobs. I'd be dead.

This was sort of a really sad chapter and i'm sorry i have no wierd comments. Too depressed. Sorry for the moody mood. 

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