Panic Attack

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wonder what will happen wonder what will yay! enjoy the violence. WHAT WHAT VIOLENCE!!!! Read with your eyelids open(unless you're a ghost) ;)


Jaylen turned around and finally saw what I saw. Bryce was standing on the top of the mountain next to us. His face enraged.

  “How long as he been there?” Jaylen asked with worry in his voice. But it wasn't because he didn't want to hurt Bryce's feelings. It was because he didn't want me to get hurt with Bryce as the one who caused it. “I don't know. But he's not happy,” I said with a trembling voice.

   I was scared for the opposite reason. I didn't want him to get hurt because of my bad move. “What does he look like?” Bryce looked a lot of things. But this was different. I saw the look in his eyes, his fist clench along with his jaw.

  Both strong enough to cut through a rock. His eyes turned blood red. I could describe all that in one word. “Blood thirsty,” We both saw Bryce howl like a cry of pain, as he turned into the beast he was inside. A true werewolf. He raced down the mountain. We looked at each other in fear, my heart racing. “We've got to beat him down there!” I said to Jaylen. Jaylen smiled an evil smile. Evil enough to kill, or at least close. “This is what I live for,” he said. Then he turned too. I wasn't clear on the plan. “Well get on,” he said in an obvious sounding voice. I rolled my eyes and got on Jaylen's back. Then we were off. He ran down the mountain faster than a cheetah, almost as fast as lightning.

   But was it fast enough?

  I then saw Bryce about 30 yards away. The sight of me and Jaylen made him madder. And I could tell. His eyes got darker. When his eyes reach black, there's no telling what he'll do.

  “We have to move faster!” I said over the howling wind. “Don't worry. I've got you covered,” there was a long silence. Then I spoke again. “When you turn back into a human…………will you be naked?” I asked, and then I immediately took it back. I could feel the smile forming on his face. “Yeah. Do you like that?” he said. I rolled my eyes. He was so annoying, even if I was blushing.

  “No! I don't!” I said immediately back at him. “Sure. Maybe if you keep on saying it, someday it will be true,” I kicked him in the stomach, but he didn't even flinch. I just didn't say anything after that. “Mo,”



“Are you crazy!?”

“Just do it!”

“I'm not jumping!”


That's when I saw it. Bryce was running right for us. Jaylen was going to ram into Bryce. And on that note, I jumped right before Jaylen and Bryce collided. Unluckily, I fell on a very sharp rock. Everything looked dizzy. I touched my head and noticed it was bleeding along with my lip. My hand trembled as I saw Bryce and Jaylen tearing at each other's flesh. I got up carefully. I walked sloppily towards them. I was almost there. Then my legs trembled and I fell to the ground. They were about to kill each other. “Stop, stop, stop,” I said with a weak voice. But they couldn't hear me over the sound of their growling. I started to cry as I struggled to talk louder, to get them off of each other, to take every bad thing I did back.

   Then I started to cry. That's when they noticed me on the ground drowning myself in my own tears. They came over to wear I was on the ground. They knelt down like how dogs do when they're apologizing to their owner. I looked up with tears all over my face. Then I saw Bryce's eyes, they were really dark red. If he gets any madder, he'll snap. Then, as if on cue, Bryce grabbed my shoe with his jaw and dragged me away. “What are you doing!” I screamed at him thinking he was mental.

   “I'm taking you to my place,” he said it way to casually considering he was dragging me there.

  “WHAT?!” I said readying myself to strangle him. “Why? Are you afraid of me?” His voice wasn't casual anymore. It was scary, like he was planning on……………..oh no. Then I remembered, what happened that first day I stayed at Bryce's house.

  When he showed me into my room. When he told me he lived alone. I've denied it for so long, too long. His voice…was scary…………………… like he was planning on raping me.

HAHAHAHA! I conquer all of you pesants! Me and my friends say that a lot sorry. Bet you loved this chappie. Yeah i know you did. *eyebrow wiggle*

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