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I've got a secret......that reminds me of Victoria's Secret.....Have fun reading with your eyelids open!


             When I got home my dad was waiting for me on the porch. “Hi dad,” I say. ”Hi sweetheart,” He gives me a kiss. I go inside while my dad follows. I go to the kitchen and poor some orange juice for my dad and I. “So how was work dad?”I ask handing him the juice. He smiled. “Well nothing much, I got that promotion I wanted,” I almost choked on my drink. My dad's been wanting that promotion since last year, he never had the guts to stand up to his boss. I ran up and hugged him. “Dad, that's great! I thought you were too afraid,” I asked.

            “I was, but then I thought about how you kept asking to go to that party, and I knew you would eventually wear me down. Then I thought, my boss can say no a million times but I won't stop and then I'll get my way. And he said yes,”

              My dad was smiling. So was I, I actually inspired my dad by badgering him all the time. We both knew what was coming next. “Does that mean….” He sighed. “Yes, you can go to the party,” I screamed really loud. I was so happy. I flew around the room like a ballerina. “You're happier than I thought,” He was right. I was happier than I was expecting, even for myself. But I knew why, it was because of that kiss, which really wasn't just a kiss, more like a make-out session to me. My dad saw me blushing. “What happened?

             Did that boy kiss you or something because if he did…” My dad cracked his fist. “Dad relax, it's nothing,” I remembered the handsome heroin Jaylen. I frowned.

             “Nothing at all,” I said. I walked to my room. Time to get serious, I had to deal with all the secrets going on around school. It could deal with the teachers, or my friends, or maybe where my mom is. I know what you're thinking. It's just one weird day, I know I know, but I'm so upsest with mystery's, who knows, I could be right. For right now, I need to listen. I need to see if the sounds I've been hearing will return, they may, while I wait I make a chart of people who may be involved. I put down Jaylen, Bryce, those other new guys are probably in on it too, maybe my friends, but probably not. I think that's it. I look at my pig calendar, Halloween is two months away.

              I kept feeling like it had something to do with Halloween, if it did, I have to find out what. The next day, I run into Jaylen. If I was going to get answers, it would be from him. I was walking toward him when those twins showed up in front of me blocking my way.

              “Oh. Hi. You know your sister and I got off on the wrong foot. Could you tell her I'm sorry, and I hope we can be friends?”

             I was just trying to get them out of the way. I meant what I said though, most of it. They looked at me funny. I really didn't care about being friends with the sour mouth sinister, I just needed answers. One of them smirked for no reason.

            The twins seemed nice though. I hope they didn't block me to start trouble. “I will. Hi. I'm Christina. But you can call me Christy. And that's Angel. You can call her Ang. It's really nice to meet you….um…..” She paused. “Monica. My names Monica, but you can call me Mo,” I said a little confused. “I know what you're thinking, but I'm not like Beam, I'm…I mean we're not like her,” Angel said sounding really perky. The thing was, she's right. That was what I was thinking. It wasn't a coincidental thing, it was different. Maybe I could get some information if I hang out with them more. Angel was giving me the evil eye.

          But not just because their friends with Jaylen, also because they're the most friendly gals I've met since my friends Violet and Rose.                           

              They smiled again. It's like they can hear my thoughts. Maybe the legends about mind readers aren't legends. Maybe their true, maybe not, maybe I'm standing right in front of two very good ones. Anyone, if reading my thoughts, would do the same expressions they did.

             Then I really put it to the test. I didn't see them at lunch, maybe they're werewolf's eating flesh off of who knows what? I should call the police. I gave a fake smile.

             Then I examined their expressions. I saw them give me the stink eye after Christina whispered something to Angel. Christina was going to say something but apparently they could hear more than I thought. She stopped and smiled. “See you at lunch Monica,” Christina said. “Yeah, see you there. Can't wait,” Angel said. Lunch. They reminded me I haven't talked to Violet and Rose in a while, who are still suspects. I'll talk to them at lunch. For now I need to talk to Jaylen. I walk up to him. “Listen, we need to talk,” I don't even give him time to answer I just pull him aside. “I need you to tell me what the hell is going on!

              Because as you can see, I'm so sick of all the lies!” he looked at me intensely. Then he put his hands on my shoulders. “Listen. You seem really nice but there are just some things you can't know right now.

               Just know, you are the one and only heroine,” he said to me creepier than I even knew he had in him. I didn't know what to think, or what to say. I just stood there like an idiot looking at his eyes that still surprise me, especially the fact no one's noticed. I just started to laugh, he looked at me like I was crazy. And I must have been to believe what he just said was real.

              I just laughed and laughed and laughed until he finally lost it. He grabbed my wrist and banged them against the wall. It wasn't normal, it hurt like crap. “Hey! What was that! You're hurting my arm! Let go!” I said amazed by his strength. “You're not listening! Do you know how important this is! Well….DO YOU!” he was scaring me and causing a scene. I saw this one guy go to get a teacher. “No! I don't know!

            You know why! Because no one in this whole freaking school, won't tell me what's going on! Everything's changed ever since you came here!” I was pretty pissed off. “THAT…IS NOT….MY FAULT!” I got terrified when I saw his eyes go from silver to black. I tried to break free but he held on tighter. Then he just stared into my eyes while I stared at his terrified. He finally let go when a teacher showed up. His eyes turned back to silver. I fell to the ground watching my wrists bleed on to once shiny floors. I saw everyone looking my way.

             But they weren't looking at me, they were looking at the wall. Which now had two deep dents in them. Jaylen went to the principal's office and glared at me. Then I saw Beam, who then looked at me with a look that I'm seeing for the first time come off her face. Sympathy. On my way to the nurse, I remembered seeing something. Something I've never seen before. His teeth started getting longer like….like…. like a werewolf.

Hahahaha. That last part reminds me of the song red nose. Doesn't it?

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