Someone New

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Hope you like this next part. *wink wink*


   We saw a dark figure approaching. Actually… five. They were like no one I've ever seen before. The first two were holding hands. The guy had golden brown hair and strong hands as I can see. He had a look of worry on his face but his girlfriend next to him gave him a warm smile. A look of warmth covered the worried look he had. The girl beside him had blonde hair and a face of confidence but a look of a gentle touch. Behind them were two girls side by side.

   Other than the barely noticeable difference in their outfits, they looked just alike. Black, wavy hair and strong but perfect arms. They were defiantly twin sisters. The last one… well. He looked perfect. He had black hair, a nice body, and a smile that said date me all over it. They all had crisp silver eyes as deep and meaningful as the sky itself. The first thing he saw was me. He stared at me like around us was a world of destruction and I was the only survivor. His beautiful eyes piercing through my sole makes me want to…. “Mo! Hello!” Rose is shaking my shoulders. I look around.

  “Oh. Sorry, I guess I just dose off,” I fake smile. They’re both looking at me with a smirk smile. I roll my eyes. Violet looks to the left then turns back almost immediately. If she's hiding from something, She's not doing a good job. “Oh my god! Look. Bryce is looking at you Mo!” Violet said, then took a bite of her pizza slowly. I looked at his table. He was looking at me, intensely. I actually forgot I was in love with him. When he saw me looking, he looked away, like he was mad. He wasn't just looking at anyone, he was looking at the new guy. I think he was actually jealous. That put a smile on my face. After lunch I went to biology then French class. We were reviewing conversation skills when there was a knock on the door. I was the first one to hear it because I sit in the back. The guy from lunch walked in.

   “Oh. I see we have a new student. Everyone, this is Jaylen,” Mr. Edison said in his French accent. Everyone in class welcomed him. “Bonjour”   That means hello in French. “Bonjour. It's nice to meet you guys,” Jaylen said in a rather deep but still as dreamy as his eyes sort of way. I was staring at him until I realized how upset Bryce looked at lunch today. I really hurt him. I don't know why though, since we're not together or anything.

   I just can't do that to a sweet friend like him. So I changed my gaze to the board.

   “Jaylen, you can take that empty seat next to Monica,” Mr. Edison said. Crap. My friends up in the front including Rose and Violet gave me thumbs up. I gave them the evil eye. He sat down next to me but I looked the other way.

   “Hi. I'm Jaylen. What's your name?” He said dreamily. I muffled out my name. “Monica,” “Huh?” I knew I would have to turn around sooner or later. So I did. “My name's Monica, Mo for short. Hi,” I shook his hand. He had a strong grip. I turned my attention back to the board. Then he leaned over and whispered something in my ear which sent chills down my back.

  “I'm really happy you're in this class,” He said. I could tell he was smiling. My heart started to beat rapidly. I looked into his eyes and got lost in his gaze. I noticed he was taller than me. I stopped immediately. He was too much for me to ignore. I have to get it out of my system.


 Surprises. Gotta love 'em. ;)

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