Part 2: Working Vacation-Akward Situations

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I was going to upload a video of the song eye of the tiger but......i'm old and don't know how ;( hahaha jk I'm only 13.



Oof! I land on my butt with mud covering my face. I look up when I see an angry Jaylen standing over me. He blows his whistle for the 16th time, and yes. I did count. “Come on Weather! How many times do I have to blow this whistle until you can climb that wall right?” he says to me.

   “How many times do you have to blow that whistle until I shove it down your throat?” I asked him. He immediately stops talking and walks away. Everyone else was doing great in training. But that's only because they're highly trained. I'm just a rooky. Apparently every year they go down to this secret training center and train for the Black Devils. Lucky me, I wasn't prepared. When I agreed to train, Jaylen and the others walked/led me to the basement. “Why are we down here?” I asked him. This obviously wasn't the training center he told me about. The room was empty with very dirty walls.

   The only things I saw were us and a couple tools. “Be patient,” He said then rolled his eyes. He started feeling the wall. And when I mean feeling I mean feeling. I just ignored him. I turned around to look around some more. When I turned I spotted a shelf. It wasn't just any shelf, it had something on it. It was something shiny.

   I walked over and my heart almost stopped. I saw a piece of glass that was shaped like a half heart. I couldn't handle it. My ancestors, my dad, it was all too much to handle.

   When my dad had disappeared, I couldn't handle it. I went mentally insane, I just know how to hide it. I reached my hand to touch it, but yanked it back. Touching it would only make me feel worse. I started to cry and turned around to get Jaylen.

    He always made me feel better. I just wanted his comfort but when I turned around he was gone along with everyone else. “Jaylen,” I said slowly walking forward. “Jaylen!” I said a little louder.

   I was worried. What if he was secretly attacked, or what if everyone ditched me, or what if there was a….. My thoughts were interrupted by a yank on my shoulder. It was coming from the wall Jaylen was feeling. I looked over and saw a hand coming out of the wall.

    I screamed in fear and tried to tug away but couldn't. I yelled for help when the hands overtook my body. They pulled me into the wall and I thought I was a goner for sure. But nothing happened. I opened my eyes and saw the outdoors. It was sunny and the heat was beating down on my shoulders. I saw equipment like a treadmill, a climbing wall, a yoga ball, a few daggers, a machete, weights, a test your strength machine, a machine to make you realize your worst fears, stuff that you find at like summer camp, and a few swords too. I turned my head and saw Jaylen standing next to me with a big smile on his face. “So? What do you think? Cool, huh?” he said to me. I looked at him with my mouth hanging open. I looked at the training center.

    “I love it. It was really smart of you to get such a brilliant idea of making a go-through wall where only werewolf's and family can go through. Not mentioning this amazing training center you have. I mean, it's like an outdoor gym mixed with a summer camp outdoor thing mixed with the training center in the Hunger Games.

    Subtract the technology and you got yourself the best training center in the world!” I said to him. I was way too excited, but that didn't matter now. “Someone's excited. Here,” he tossed me a knife. I caught it and stared at him with confusion. “Duel me,” He grabbed a giant metal pole thing and put it to his chest rocking himself back and forth like one of those fighting video games. I couldn't help snickering.

   He stopped and stared at me with anger. “What?” he said to me. “Nothing, it's just that you look stupid,” I started busting out laughing when he started to blush.

    He gave me a death glare and made his eyes turn black. I stopped but only because I thought he would kill me soon. “All right. Let's fight,” I said annoyed.

     He changed his eyes back to silver but kept his mad face. I took a quick look around and saw everyone else working on different stuff. A couple of people were fighting, well, barely. His Aunt was beating the stuffing out his Uncle. I turned back around and saw only for a brief second Jaylen far away. Then, suddenly, he was close enough to my face to kiss me. He knocked the pole into my stomach so hard that I had to cradle myself for a moment before getting back up. “That was in no way cool! You can't use your being fast abilities!” I said to him angry and feeling like throwing up.

   “I can do whatever I want,” he said to me. I got really pissed at that comment.

    “Okay then! Let's go again!” I said to him. He nodded in agreement and took his ready position.

    I stuck my knife out in front of me. He lunged at me with his super speed but I dodged it easily and brought my elbow down on his back hard. It made him fall to his knees yelling mercy. It made me feel good. I flipped him over and stuck my knife a millimeter from his face. He was wide eyed staring at the knife when I just smirked in his face. “Hey! No fair! You used your halibrid powers to get in my head!” he said irritated.

  “Oh. Did I? I really didn't know,” I said in a sarcastic voice. He rolled his eyes.

   “But to be honest, I was going by ear. I didn't even know you were a halibrid,” I smiled. I stayed on him. “Umm…Can you maybe,” he wiggled his body to let me know he wanted to get up. “Oh! Right! Sorry,” I said to him. I got up and we both blushed. And I have to say, not my greatest move.

If you though that was awkward....wait till the next part. *wink wink*

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