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It was the night of the bonfire, witch meant that a new greenie came up,and that was Thomas.

Thomas has requested to play truth or dare and Minho,Chuck,gally,newt and you agreed.

At first it was fine you dared Chuck to put dirt in frypan's food,gally dared Minho to run the glade 4 times,witch was easy for him.

It was Thomas's turn and he dared you to kiss him.

"What?!" You exclaimed

At that very moment he leaned in and Newt stood up and left without a word but his hands were balled in fists and his face was red.

Too bad he didn't get to see you reject Thomas by punching him in the face and walking after Newt.

Newt.Even just saying his name brought a smile to your face.why did he just walk out like that?Was it possible that he liked you?

You found him in the deadheads kicking a tree and swearing under his breath.

"N..Newt?" You stammered

He immediately turned around and you realized he had tears pouring down his face.

"Are you okay?" You asked carefully

"I'm fine.why don't you go back to your boyfriend Thomas." He snapped

"What?!" You exclaimed

"Well he is your boyfriend isn't he?" He asked

"No.I punched him in the face after you left."

"Really?" He said smiling

"Yeah.but why did you walk out like that?" You asked

"Umm..I was so mad at Thomas for doing that to you and maybe...I was jealous."he said quietly

"I bloody love you,y/n!" He all of a sudden said"but why would you love a boy with a limp.."

"I love you too,Newt,with or without a limp."You responded

You kissed him before Newt could say something and feeling him kissing back was more than enough.

Newt imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now