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*you are starting a new school and your close friends fypan,is introducing you to his friends*

"Hey Y/N,welcome to your new school," your friend Frypan says as he wraps a arm around your shoulders, guiding you to the front doors.

"Thanks but I'm a little nervous," You admit.

"Don't be. You'll be fine. I'll introduce you to my friends," Frypan comforts you.

"O-ok," you stutter.

"Y/n,this is Newt,Minho and Thomas," Frypan says indicating who was who.

"Hello," they all say

"Hi," you say a little shy

"C'mon it's lunch." Minho says as they all head to the cafeteria.

As soon as all of you have grabbed lunch to y'all sit down and start a conversation.

After about 10 minutes of talking you realize the boy called Newt hasn't said a word to you or anyone else since you've arrived.

And apparently 'Thomas' has also taken notice and he takes action.

"Ay, newtie you a little quite over there,are you nervous to speak Infront of Y/n?" Thomas teases.

"No," he pouts but whenever you look over to him he blushes and smiled at you. And you smile back, looking down at the table.

*Time skip*

It was the end of the day and you were at your locker, collecting your books. As you were closing it you see Newt heading your way.

"Uhh hey Y/n,"Newt says nervously.

"Hey Newt," you say fixing your backpack strap.

"Sorry I was a little bit flustered today at lunch," Newt says.

"It was okay," you assure him

"So....Maybe you liked to go get frozen yogurt later," He says scratching his neck nervously.

"I'd loved to," You say smiling.

And little did you know Frypan, Minho and Thomas were hiding behind the wall, grinning like idiots and planning your future.

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