23•Newt finds out your trapped

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You went into the maze without Newt knowing. Minho tried to save you but he couldn't. He ran back into the Glade out of breath and sweating.

"Minho what's wrong?!" Newt asks after running over to him.

Minho couldn't even speak. He was just wheezing.

"Speak man," Newt said.

"W-water.....," Minho managed to say. He looked like he was about to throw up.

Newt with a sigh called for Zart to bring him a cup of water. Soon Zart returned with a cup in hand.

"Here," he said handing it to Minho, who gratefully chugged it.Their interaction called the curiosity of Alby and soon he too was over there.

"Umm Minho? Where's​ Y/n?" Alby asks realizing you weren't with him.

Newt looked utterly terrified and confused."What do you mean? She's here isn't she?

Minho just looked at the ground. "I tried. I tried to save her. I did. But I couldn't." He looked like he was about to cry.

Newt did too. The common rumbling of the walls was the last piece Newt needed for him to collapse to the ground.

You were trapped. In the maze filled with deadly grievers. For the night.


The walls closed. The last bit of hope with it. Suddenly a sound that was all too familiar rang out, booming through the walls. A big breath escapes your mouth before you take off running, navigating your way through the darkness.

This is going to be a long night.

~Time skip~

You were tired,covered with cuts and bruises and limping. It was a miracle that you didn't get stung. But you knew 100% that you were going to make it. And you did. You waited by the doors before they were supposed to open. You tried to recover your breath while you waited but it took a good 6 minutes.

The sound of the doors opening brought you back. It has never sounded so sweet to you in your life. The very first thing you saw was Chuck's eager face. His face brightened when he saw you.

"Y/n!!" He shouted drawing attention to you. He ran over to you and very soft and cautiously hugged you. You immediately hugged back.

After you pulled away you saw Newt standing there with what can only be described as relief and happiness. He made his way over to you and very quietly said, "You're alive."

"Of course I am," you respond. Newt cupped your face and gave you a very passionate kiss infront of everyone. Once you pulled away a smile was plastered on both your faces.

Newt just said, "Don't you ever scare me like that again."

You gave a small laugh. "Not a chance."

He smiled and connected your lips together again.

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