33•Passionate kiss+A/N

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As me and the rest of the gang are running from the WICKED building, Teresa runs into a random, abandoned building. Thomas, of course, runs in after her. Newt stays by my side thought.

I'm glad he's here with me. I think.

Thomas is saying we have to go.

"Thomas stop!" Teresa yells suddenly making Thomas turn around. "Tell me what's going on.

After Thomas explaining to Teresa what happened, Winston points out footprints in the sand leading somewhere far.

As we all follow the prints, we come across what seemed to be a shelter or a store.

"Wonder what happened?" Minho asks shining his flashlight trying to find clues to what happened.

"Okay you all try to find anything you can. Me and Minho will try to turn the power back on." Things says making us all nod.

"Wait Tommy," Newt says tossing Thomas a flashlight.

Both Thomas and Minho leave and we all spread out.

Luckily I found a couple of clothes that fit me mostly jackets and shirts but my jeans are fine. Newt finds a jacket and shirt.

Newt starts packing for Thomas and I pack for Minho. After we're done we start walking waiting for Minho and Thomas to come when all of a sudden Newt turns around and we see Thomas and Minho running like seven grievers are chasing them when we realize it's actually zombie like creatures chasing them.

All of us start running like crazy people, Teresa, who found a hammer, starts slamming their heads with it. We all try to find a way out but no if us sees one. All of a sudden shots are being fired at us.

Newt grabs my hand and we both start sprinting. The rest of the gang are Infront of us running for dear life.

All of a sudden Newt pulls me aside and in a rush he says "In case we don't survive this I've always wanted to do this." And he presses his lips to mine in a passionate kiss.

He stops and is about to begin running when I grab his hand. " I want a chance to do that to you so you're not leaving my sight."

"No I'll slow you down. " He says motioning to his limp.

"Don't worry," I say pulling him into a run "I won't let them get you. "

I'm not supposed to have heard it but he mutters "I'm supposed to be the heroic one.."


Thanks for reading. And yes you and Newt survive. Don't worry. Now this A/n is about how I won't be posting a new imagine for about 2-3 weeks because..

1)I am going to be SUPER busy this week and

2) I have a new idea I am working in so I want to do that without worrying that I abandoned this book.

I hope you understand. Thanks. Also sorry that I didn't give more details but I really wanted to let you all now what was going to be happening with this book.


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