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This is an alternate universe imagine.a Harry Potter imagine. enjoy!

Newt was surprised when he got his letter in the mail.he had thought it was a prank one of his friends had been pulling.little did he know he was a wizard,despite the fact that his parents were not.

Y/n had know she was a wizard for quite some time.she was pure blood and was so exited to begin her education at Hogwarts.

One his first official day at Hogwarts came around he was nervous.he shared a train car with two boys and one girl.




"I'm newt.thanks for letting me sit with you." He replied with a grateful smile.

The kids got along very well.and soon enough they arrived at Hogwarts.

They all got sorted into ravenclaw.
Then Newt spotted a girl in line with a French braid in her hair and by the hat she was wearing he could tell she was in Gryffindor.She grinned and ran off to her house table.


The years at Hogwarts seemed to flyby for Newt.Quicker then his broomstick.In fact he was in his six year and he hasn't spoken to the girl he spotted on his first day.

Newt had learned her name was y/n, and for the first time in all his years he had classes with her.

"Quit staring at y/n.". Minho joked.

Newt embarrassed looked away blushing all the while.

Ravenclaw and Gryffindor had potions and defence against the dark arts together.It was currently potions and Newt realized Snape was giving him a glare. He gulped and looked at the cauldron in front of him.

He quickly made the potion without hesitation as to what to do. At the end of class he would hand in his product and head to lunch.

After the feast he had he headed to defence against the dark arts.He started to pull out his book when the instructor informed then they wouldn't need them today.

He exchanged happy glances with his friends then pulled out his wand ready to begin.

"Today we will learn how to cast a spell on someone that will them fall fast asleep. This spell can be used on animals so we will be using cats."

The teacher explained the lesson and it was time to practice.

Newt mastered the spell in minutes, and Y/n walked up to him asking​ for his help with a smile,"you're incredible! Could you assist me in my struggles?"
"Well I'm not that-"
"Sure." Newt bit his lip and she brought her cat over.
"I don't understand how to move the wand.can you show me?"

Newt put his hand over hers and showed her how to move the wand properly.

After he let go she attempted the spell on her own and succeeded after her first attempt.

"Wow you're a fast learner."
"Not really,I knew how to do it."Y/N smiled.

"Then why did you-" newt cut himself off finally comprehending what just happened.

"Would you like to go on a walk later today?" She asked
"S-sure." Newt stuttered running his hand through his hair.
"Great see you after dinner." She slipped off leaving Newt dumbfounded and smiling like an idiot.

"Newt!" Y/n exclaimed.she was very happy and excited that newt said yes.

She saw his eyes light up when she called his name.

They walked outside and simply talked. The sun was setting and they sat by a lake and watched it.

"You know, newt told Y/n " you're awfully smart why aren't you in ravenclaw?"

"I guess I'm brave." Y/n shrugged

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Newt blurted out

"Look who's being brave now?" Y/n smirked.she leaned in and pressed her lips to newt's.

They kissed and Y/n broke away whispering " By the way I will be your girlfriend."

This isn't mine.

Newt imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now