14• Newt accidentally telling you his feelings

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Newt's pov

As I was walking around the glade during the middle of the day I see y/n is the gardens planting tomato seeds and I can't help but think how beautiful she looks while doing it.

As I'm still staring at her I realize Minho is trying to get my attention by waving his hand Infront of my face.

"Huh?" I say confused

"Did you hear anything I just said newt?" He asks me grinning

"No....Sorry," I say kinda sheepishly

"Uh huh...." He says. A smirk forming on his face. He follows my gaze over to y/n and his smirk grows even bigger.

"Sooo​....Y/n?" He asks me with a big grin on his face.

"What???....Maybe..." I say looking at the ground.

"Well,you aren't doing any good just standing here," he says

"Well,what can I do?" I ask

"Well,maybe, I don't know, TALK to her," he says rolling his eyes.

"OK...Your right....I'll go right now," I say. Suddenly a flood of confidence and bravery coming over me.

"Ada boy," says Minho slapping me on the back." Now go get her!" He says giving me a push.

As I make my way over to her I start to second guess myself but then I realize i'm right behind her. No going back now. I think to myself.

She must have sensed someone was behind her because she turns around and sees me.

"Hey newt!" She says happily

"God y/n I love you," I say without thinking.

"Wait...." I say pausing,confused.

"Did I say that out loud?" I ask

"Crap I did didn't I?" I say

"Yes you did newt." She says smiling at my awkwardness.

"And.....I love you too," she says smiling brightly.

Before I can say anything I grab her by the waist and kiss her soft and passionate.

Newt imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now