19•Newt comforting you

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Newt's pov

It was late at night. The stars were out. The sky was black. I went into the dead heads for some peace and quiet and all of a sudden I hear soft whimpers. I went to investigate. After searching for a good minute,I come across the greenie who arrived only today. I just stood there not knowing what to do. Of course I wanted to comfort her but...she might get scared.

         I decided to show myself.

She must have heard me because she turned her head toward my direction.

Y/n's POV

I heard a rustle of a leaf and a break of a stick so I turned my head toward the noise. I saw a figure lurking in the shadows. Who would be out this late?

Then I saw sandy blonde hair and I knew instantly who it was.

"N-newt?" Came my voice from my  mouth.

He reveals himself. "Uhhh​....Hey greenie. You alright?"

I slowly shake my head no.  I wasn't alright. He sees my head movement and with hesitation,he makes his way over to me. He plunks down next to me and looks at me.

"Why?" He asks softly. I wasn't sure whether to tell him or not. It was ridiculous.

When I didn't respond he,very hesitantly, swings one of his arms around me and hugs me. It felt....good.

"You know. A pretty girl like you shouldn't be crying," he says softly. And just like that my heart stops.

I crane my neck and look over to him. He looks at me with such kindness in his eyes that I can't control what I do next. I kiss him full on the mouth. I wasn't sure what I was thinking but I did it. 

Then he suprised me the most when he kissed back. It felt like a trillion tiny fireworks just blew up. After we pulled away he had a big goofy grin on his face that made him even more adorable. (If that was even possible!)

"Now do you want to tell me what's wrong greenie?" He asks with a chuckle.

"Y/n." I say simply.

"What?" He asks confused.

"You can call me Y/n." I said smiling.

And with that he smiles and kisses me again. This time with more force and I felt like with him by my side,I could anything. Even survive this place. And I was happy.


Yay!! Finally posted a new newt imagine! Sorry for the long wait but here it is! Keep reading!

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