22•Newt won't let you be a runner

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(No one's pov)

You have tried all the jobs in the Glade and you are great at all of them. But you want to be a runner. Newt,of course, doesn't agree.

"I think she should be a runner," Minho says at the gathering. "I could always use an extra pair of legs."

"No!" Newt shouts. "Alby. Help me out here."

"Sorry Newt," Alby says. "Minho's right. She would be an amazing runner."

"So,let's take a vote," Alby says to the keepers. "Everyone who thinks Y/n should be a runner raise your hand."

All but one raise their hand.

"Y/n. Stand outside for a minute," Alby says to you. You obey.

It was quiet for a couple seconds.

"Newt,Y/n is strong, tough and smart. She'll be fine," Gally says. He truly believed in you.

"I care about her," says Newt looking at the floor.

"We all do Newt," He responds.

"I bloody love her!!" Newt yells.

"Well then let her be happy!" Gally screams.

A sigh escapes Gally's mouth. "Look Newt. The keepers voted. She's a runner. Minho will protect her. Won't you Minho?"

"100%," Minho says. He was just a bit more overprotective of you then Newt.

"Let her be happy Newt," Alby says walking outside to tell you.

Soon it was just you and Newt in the room.

"Will you promise me you will be careful love?" Newt asks me. His back to me. But craning his neck to look at me.

"I promise. I'll be careful," you say assuring him.

"Well that's that." Newt heads to leave but stops himself.

He turns back to you. He embraces you in a big hug. You instantly hug back. You both stay like that for a while. Reluctantly you pull away. So does Newt but you both stare at each other for a good minute.

Finally Newt says, "Shuck it." And kisses you. You kiss back.

Newt was going to let you be happy...

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