26•Newt being worried about you

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After a lot of begging, Newt finally let you become a runner. But he made you go with Minho and Thomas.

"Take care of her. Don't let her out of your sight. Good that?" Newt said to Minho before you went into the maze.

"Calm down Newt, we'll bring Y/n back safe and sound," Minho said with a roll of his eyes.

"It'll be okay Newt. I won't leave their side," Y/n said with a smile.

"You better not Y/n. Just please be safe," he said looking at you on the eyes.

"I will be." You quickly gave Newt a kiss on the lips and ran into the maze with Minho and Thomas.


Hours later and you were still amazed with the complexity of the maze. Minho and Thomas were suprised that you were able to keep up with them. Unbelievers. But you didn't care, you proved them wrong.

But back in the Glade, Newt was a wreck.

"Why did I let her become a runner? She could get hurt! I can't stand knowing my love could get hurt any second!" Newt proclaimed.

"Calm down Shuck-face! She'll be fine!" Frypan said with a roll of his eyes.

"I know but what if-" Newt got cut off.

"Shut it! Believe in her!" Winston yelled at him. "She'll. Be. Fine."

Newt sighed. "Okay."

*Time skip*

You, Minho and Thomas ran back into the Glade safe and sound.

Newt ran over to you.

"Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay!"

Minho and Thomas ran off to the map room.

"Yes Newt! I'm okay!" You say sighing.

"You sure?" Newt said again.

"Yes Newt. I'm sure," You say again.

"Okay. If you say so. Wait....where is Minho and Thomas?" He said looking around.

"They're in the map room," you say with a roll of your eyes.

He sighed. "So how was it?"

You smiled and you two spent the rest of the day with each other. Newt was still protective over you but you didn't care.

              You were happy.

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