21•Newt blaming himself

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(Y/n's pov)

Fire. Fire was everywhere. People were screaming and running all over the place. I see Thomas looking at the scene infront or him with wide eyes. I ran from Minho and looked for Newt. I saw him with a gun in his hand firing shots. Vince hands me a gun and I too start firing.

But soon they overpower us and we're kneeling infront of them. Them meaning 'ratman' and Dr.Paige.

"Where's Thomas?" Ratman asks looking around.

"Here." Comes a voice behind us. Thomas comes into view. He kneels next Minho.

"Why didn't you run?" Minho asks him sounding some what mad.

"No. I'm tired of running. Besides I wasn't leaving you guys," Thomas responds not looking up.

"Alright start loading them up," Ratman says to the billion of guards surrounding us.

Thomas starts getting up and starts walking. He puts his hand inside his jacket and pulls out the bomb.

"Everyone stand back!" He yells. "Stand back!"

Janson runs back to the guards who have their guns out. "Hold your fire! Hold your fire!"

"Stand back," Thomas says putting his thumb on the button. "Let them go. Let them all go!!!"

"Thomas you know I can't do that!" Ava says to him.

"Thomas please stop," Teresa says with tears consuming her eyes. "They promised we'd be safe. All of us."

"I'm supposed to trust you know?!" Thomas yells at her.

"It's true it was her only condition," Ava says standing next to her.

"Shut up!!" Thomas yells.

"Thomas....Do you really want all of them to die?" Ava asks thinking she knows the answer.

Minho starts walking over to him. Frypan followed by Me and Newt.

Newt takes my hand. "We're with you Thomas."

"No....." Teresa whispers

"Don't......" Ava says.

"Do it Thomas," Minh says not taking his eyes of Ava or Teresa.

"I'm not going back there," Thomas says looking like he was about to cry.

"We're ready," I say giving Newt's hand a squeeze.

"I'm not going back there," Thomas repeats.

"Thomas....." Ava whispers with a hint of pleading.

"It's the only way," Thomas says closing his eyes.

We close our eyes as well.

"Thomas!!" Ava shouts.

Thomas was about to press the button when a truck's horn goes off. We open our eyes and turn to the noise.

Jorge and Brenda.

They quickly park the car and start firing.

We all start running toward them. Brenda throws me a gun and s start firing. Vince gets back up in the truck and starts loading his gun.

Wicked starts loading immunes onto the planes. Minho was running with Thomas and yells at him to go. He fires at a pair of guards. He take some down. But he isn't so lucky with the next. The second guard shoots one of those electrical bullets right in Minho's chest, taking him down.

"Minho!!" I tell hurtling myself toward him.

"Y/N!!!!!!" Newt shouts running after me.

But the second guard sees me coming. He grabs me by the wrist and because I'm so light,he drags me like I'm a rag doll.

Newt gets held back by Jorge and Thomas. It's takes both of their will power to stop him from running to me.

Then I get tossed into a plane along with Aris and Sonya. Then the last thing I see, before the doors close, was Newt with tears streaming down his face. And him mouthing, 'I love you.' I mouth it back.

Then I see black.

(Newt's pov)

It's been an hour since the attack on the right arm has finished. I still have tears on my face. I lost her.

"It's all my fault," I croak out. Heads turn my way. This was the first thing I have said since Y/n was taken.

"I should have protected her," I say looking down. New tears threatening to spill out.

"It's not your fault shank," Says Frypan. "We'll get them back."

"Yes we will," Thomas says.

"Hey kids," says Vince. "Look around you. Wicked just kicked our ass. You all think were your heading."

"This isn't just about Minho and Y/n," Thomas says. "It's about all of us. Everyone wicked has and will take. So.. we're going. With or without you."

Thomas says without a hint of hesitation. "I'm going to kill Ava Paige."

"I have to admit." Harriet says. "I'd like some revenge."

"So what's ​your plan kid?" Vince asks.


Tell me below if I should make a part two of this. Thanks for reading. See you next time!!

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