30•You're alive

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Wow. Imagine 30. Thanks for the support guys. I love you all.

The gladers thought that Wicked had killed you. Newt, who had been your boyfriend in the Glade, cried for weeks. They all tried to help him but no one not even Thomas nor Minho could make a dent.

After Aris and Thomas went to investigate.

"We gotta go." Thomas said stripping the bed.

"What do you mean we gotta go?" Newt asked confused.

"I don't have time to explain. We just got to go," Thomas said tying the sheet to the door.

"Thomas will you just talk to us!" Newt screamed.

"It's Wicked!" Complete silence. "It's always been Wicked. We gotta go. Now!"

The gladers obeyed. Thomas of course remember Teresa. Aria had gone with them. They all climbed into the vents. After they came out the other end, Aris went back to climb into the vents again.

"Aris where are you going?" Thomas asked.

"I have to do something important. You guys want to leave right? Just go." Aris Said

"I'll go with him," Winston offers.

"Okay go Winston." Thomas says and starts running to Teresa's room.

~Time skip~ (Because I was too lazy to write the rest.) :)

Thomas ran for the door with the gladers following close behind. He slid the i.d. card but it blinked red instead of green.

"No. No. No!" Thomas yelled trying over and over again.

"Guys?" A voice came from the other side of the hall way.

They all turned to look at who the voice belonged to. It was a girl. But not any girl. The girl.


"Y-Y/n?" Newt spoke out forgetting everything but the first time he saw you.

Your e/c eyes. Your h/c hair. The way you talked. The way you moved. "You're alive."

"Newt? What are you all doing here?" Y/n asked confused.

"What are we doing here? What are you doing here?" Thomas asked.

"Wicked came to get me inside the maze. That's​ how I disappeared." Y/n explained. "But what are you doing?" She saw the i.d card in Thomas's hand and all of them panting. "Are you trying to escape?"

"Yes. Come on Y/n. We can get out of this mess together. Just take my hand," Newt said extending his hand.

Y/n looked down at the hand she had held for so long not wanting to let go. She looked up at the boy she had come to know. The boy she trusted. She took a step back.

"You can't leave," Y/n said looking at them.

"What? What do you mean we can't leave? Y/n they're evil! We have to go!" Thomas yelled.

"Why?" Y/n asked. "Why leave? We have everything right here. A warm bed. Food. And friends. What else matters?"

"Y/n...we have to go before they kill us. They will kill us," Newt said looking at her e/c eyes.

"You don't understand. Everything they do is for a reason," Y/n said looking at Newt.

"That's right." Jason appeared from what seemed like nowhere. "Everything we do is for a reason."

"Y/n....are you working with Wicked?" Teresa asks.

"Yes. Yes I am." She turns to look at Teresa. "And so are you."

"Teresa​?" Thomas asks in almost a whisper.

Teresa looks down at the floor. She starts walking toward Y/n and Jason. Soon she arrives and she stands at the left of Y/n.

"Thomas. Believe me. Wicked is good," Teresa pleads with her eyes.

"I'm supposed to trust you now?" Thomas asks his eyes full of hatred.

"It's true. Newt?" Y/n asks looking at him.

Newt turns his back to her and goes to stand next to Thomas. "I trusted you Y/n. And I still do. But not about this."

Suddenly the door opens and Aris and Winston are standing in the other end.

"C'mon!" Newt yells running to the other side.

"You won't​ last a day out there!" Y/n yells.

"It's better then spending the rest of my life in here. You've changed Y/n. And not for the better." Newt says looking at her with tears glistening in his eyes.

"Then this is goodbye," Y/n says with absolutely no emotion.

"So it is," Newt says and starts running off to the scorch.


"We're letting them go?" Teresa asks after they disappeared.

"They won't last. We'll find them in a day or two. They won't make it out alive," Jason says before walking out the door.

Maybe they will.......


Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it. And I'll see you next time!


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