4•Behind your back pt.1

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A girl.
A girl greenie.

You and your best friend Teresa instantly high fived  when the newcomer rose out of the box. You were in the glade for a year before Teresa popped up and you two quickly formed a very strong friendship. It was only five months since then and finally another lady joined the group.the greenie was beautiful.she had ginger locks that cascaded almost to her waist.She had beautiful green eyes and her plump lips turned into a smile when she saw the both of you.

"Hi we're the only other girls around." Said Teresa

You stepped next to your boyfriend, Newt who was the one that helped her out of the box,and laced your hand into his.You noticed his head snap to your direction,as if shocked to see you,and it made you chuckle slightly before you both turn to the greenie." I'm y/n and that's Teresa. were so happy to see another girl around." You smiled

The greenie looked you up and down as she nibbled in her bottom lip.

"It's nice to meet you." She chirps
" If you need any help just let us know." You said gently remembering how you helped Teresa when she first came up.
You looked to your best friend who was smiling at you obviously remembering too.

"Yeah and if any of these shanks bother you,come tell us." She smirks.

The greenie giggled as she looked past you two girls at the other gladers,a sweet smile forming on her lips.
"I'm sure they won't... Right?" Her eyes fell on Newt's a little longer than the others but you didn't really notice.

"Y-yeah,I'm sure." Your boyfriend responded and you smiled at him as he looked at the greenie. You loved how Newt was always so protective over every glader,and so gentle as well.He was always the one greeting the greenies and touring them.He was the only one who could do it without scaring the klunk out of them. You laughed inside your head when pictures of Teresa or Minho doing the greenie greetings popped inside your head.

"I-i'll be giving you the tour, uhh...Ummm...Do you remember your...Name?" Newt asked.

"Jessica." She said quickly. It surprised you that she remembered her name already.It was a bit rare,most of you couldn't remember until hours or days after.

Newt smiled at her " that's wonderful."  He breathed,"welcome to the glade Jessica."
You nodded at her in agreement and kissed Newt on the cheek before walking away with newt since he was going to do the tour." See you at the bonfire, Jessica." You said leaving.

You joined your best friend as the both of you headed back to the med-hut. you had a smile on your face. Greenie days always put a smile on your face and it was honestly all because of Newt.

"She seems really nice." You chirped as you walked.

"Are you sure?" Teresa wasn't as convinced but you shrugged at her.
Teresa wasn't the bubbliest person.
She looked back at Newt and Jessica.A scowl finding her face as her ginger curls danced in the wind.

"Where's Newt?"
You look up and your eyes meet with an Asians Infront of you,"Minho!" You exclaimed with a grin. He smiled back at you and took a seat next to you on the ground where you sat,resting your  back on the large log.

"Newt's with the greenie,a shebean!"
She seems really nice.Oh!And Thomas and Teresa are getting food."

You rested your arm on the log as you looked in their direction and so was Minho." She's beautiful isn't she? You like what you see?" You teased

Minho almost choked on his drink,his eyes went wide and you burst out laughing. A smile found its way to face as he watched you laughing " Please none of them could compare to you Y/N." He cooed

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