8• After the maze

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So in this imagine you were from group b and you walked past newt and his friends.

Newt's pov

I was listening to these two boys explaining what happened to them when the most gorgeous girl walked by and I was mesmerized by her beauty. Her long h/c flowing behind her. Thomas and Minho both were shocked by her as well.

"She's pretty," said Minho

"Indeed," I said

We watched her sit down with a boy with a striped jacket in the next table.

"Who is that?" Thomas asked the two boys Infront of us.

"Oh her?That's y/n. Group b." She was the one that figured out they could escape by the griever hole. All her friends say she's fast, amazing, smart, sassy-"

"Really?" Said Minho cutting him off.

"Yup." He responded "your not the first group of guys to be left in awe by her. Almost all the boys here want her."

Somehow I will have to get her to notice me,but out of all the boys here why would she pick me?

Y/n pov

As I was walking to go sit with Aris, out of the corner of my eye I couldn't help but to notice a tall blonde boy looking my way,not the first time that has happened but this time it felt different. I wonder who that was. I asked Aris and he said that was Newt, group A. How his friend Thomas, discovered the griever hole.

Aris looked behind my shoulder, "There still looking at you. But I couldn't blame them. You are pretty."

The one thing I like about aris is that he was my friend,my only guy friend that didn't like me like that. So it was a lot easier to talk to him then anyone else.

~time skip~

Newt's pov

All day Thomas and Minho teased me for liking y/n. So today I will have to end it all and work up the courage to talk to her. Hoping she'll actually want to hang out with me.

~time skip~

As soon as I walked into the cafeteria I immediately spotted her sitting with the guy in the strip jacket,Aris, someone called him. Here goes nothing.

Y/n's pov

I was laughing with Aris because he made the most ridiculous joke,and Aris told me Newt was heading our way so I turned and indeed he was. He spotted me looking at him but he didn't stop walking over. When he arrived he said " Hi...I'm Newt." And I could detect an accent.

"I'm y/n." I responded holding out my hand for him to shake and he did.

"So I was..Ummm... Wondering if you wanted to hang out with me,maybe later today?" He said and I could tell him was nervous.

"I'd love to." I responded and he looked at me almost in disbelief and said " great I'll see you later then."

"See you later." I said and he walked away with a dumb smile on his face but it was the most adorable smile I'd ever see in my life. I turned back to Aris and he was smiling. " Oh shut up." I said

~time skip~

It was the time newt said he would meet me in the cafeteria. He walked in and I smiled.we spent the whole day just sitting there talking about our friends,telling jokes and funny stories but we never brought up our mazes. At the end of our time together he said " so maybe next time I'll take you out on a real date,"

"Maybe you will," I said and he gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked back to his room. And this time it was me grinning like idiot.

Newt imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now