24•Newt is too shy to ask you out

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(No ones pov)

You were a runner so you were always tired after your run every day. But you loved it so you didn't mind. You had a really big crush on Newt from the first time you saw him. But you didn't think he liked you. You were wrong.

It was a normal Friday. Or so you thought. You arrived before the doors closed and headed right off to the map room. You were very hungry and tired so you headed off toward the kitchen.

You quickly thanked Frypan after he handed you a big plate of food. You sat next to Thomas and Infront of Newt.

"How was your run Y/n?" Asked Newt in attempt to start a conversation.

"It was fine. Just frustrating," You say with a frown.

"Don't worry so much. We will leave here," Thomas says pulling you in a side hug.

"Thanks." You take a bite of your food and you finish it in a few minutes.

"I'm tired. I'm heading off to bed," you say excusing yourself and standing up.

"Okay. See you tomorrow Y/n," Thomas says with a smile.

Newt watched you until you're ​gone.

Thomas leans in with a smirk.
"You know dude, if you really like her you should ask her out."

Newt tears his eyes away from you and turns to Thomas.

"Nah I wouldn't dare," he says.

Frypan leans in eager to join the conversation.

"She'd probably say yes you shuck chicken."

Newt stares at the tables. "What if she doesn't though. Wouldn't that be bloody awkward."

Winston rolls his eyes. "Dude stop being such a slinthead. Anyone else here would jump at the opportunity to ask out  Y/n. Frypan's right. You're ​just a shuck chicken."

Newt sighs and stands up." Yeah, maybe."


That's it. I will make a part two soon. Thanks for reading! Bye!

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