31•Love triangle Pt. 2

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Newt's pov

The sun was shining when I woke up. I was blinded immediately. I look around to see everyone was still asleep.

My heart skipped a beat when I see Tommy and Y/n. Tommy's arms are around Y/n waist with his head buried in her neck. They look so peaceful. But I wasn't.

Are they dating?

I instantly removed that thought from my mind. I couldn't bear a thought like that.

She doesn't like him. Does she?

When I see Y/n starting to shift I go back to pretending I was asleep. It doesn't take very long for them to rise.

"You guys. Wake up," Thomas says rousing everyone. If I hadn't seen them asleep I never would have suspected anything was going on between them.

I have a face of disapproval on my face the entire time we were packing up and for the rest of the day.

Tommy of course noticed but I said I was fine. He left me alone after trying over and over and went to walk with Y/n.

Bloody hell.

Y/n started to notice my attitude as well but didn't think much about it. She was too distracted by Tommy and he was distracted by her.

Y/n's pov

I can tell something is wrong with Newt. He was like this ever since he woke up. Did he have a nightmare? Did he see me and Thomas? Does he think I like Thomas?

I mean I like thomas but Newt..Newt is different. There was something about him that was interesting. He wasn't like the others. But....Thomas.

This is getting too complicated.

When me and Thomas were talking while the others were taking a break we heard a gunshot.

We heard the others yelling and we ran. We found Winston on the ground with a gun in Frypan's hand.

"What happened?" Thomas asks with concern.

"I don't know. He just grabbed the gun!" Frypan exclaimed.

"Please.." Winston says quietly "Please.. Don't​ let me turn into one of those..... things."

Tears threaten to spill out of all our eyes.
Newt slowly grabs the gun from Frypan's hand.

"Newt," Thomas says in a question but Newt ignores him. He crouches at the side of Winston.

He places the gun in Winston's hand and places it on his chest.

"Thank you," Winston manages to say "Now get out of here."

"Goodbye Winston," Newt says. He gets up and he never looks back.

The same with the others except for Aris and Teresa. They just leave.

Me and Thomas are the only ones to stay behind.

"Go," Winston manages to say. That's when I notice I have tears rolling down my cheeks. Thomas has tears glistening in his brown eyes.

"I'm sorry," Thomas says and it sounds lik he just wants to cry.

"Goodbye Winston," I say turning away l, grabbing my stuff and walking away. Thomas stayed back for a minute but he catches up to me. We didn't say anything afraid to break the silence. Moments later we heard a gunshot go off. We all stopped for a moment taking in what happened. Thomas wraps his arm around my shoulder and we start walking again.

The same night I slept next to Thomas, crying myself to sleep. I occasionally heard Thomas whimper and sniffling. This time I didn't care what if Newt or anyone saw what was going on with me Thomas.

I didn't care if Newt say us. I didn't care if I still had some feelings for Newt. I didn't care if I got hurt by Newt or Thomas.

I did care for them. But I made my choice. Once I replayed my memories of the Glade I noticed only one person had my back.



Thanks for reading! Also sorry if you chose Newt. If you want send me a imagine about choosing Newt instead of Thomas and maybe I will include it in my next part.


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