12•Newt telling thomas about you

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Newt's pov

It was the night of the bonfire,and the greenie Thomas,and I were talking. Well,it was mostly have him asking questions and me answering them. When I realize I forget to tell him something.

"Thomas,see that girl over there?" I ask him pointing to Y/n.

"Yeah, that's y/n," he answers back

"I've loved her since she came up the klunk of a box," I say to him very firmly,looking at him dead in the eye, meaning every word I say.

"Really?" He questions

"Yup,so don't think you can waltz on in here and take her from me," I say dead serious.

"O-ok," he stammers out nervously

"Good.now that we established that, let me show you around," I say standing up,pulling him up.

"No.. That's OK.." he says denieing my offer.

"Nonsense,your suppose to be the guest of honor," I say and he finally gives in.

"We got the builders. Good with their hands but not a lot going on upstairs," I say tapping my forehead,"then we have Winston,keeper of the slicers. Then we have 2 med jecks,clint and Jeff." I started pointing at them. "Then we have Minho,keeper of the runners.

"Hey Newt!" A girls voice shouts,
walking toward the two gladers.

"And then we have the beautiful Y/n," I say smiling

"Hi greenie," y/n says smiling at Thomas.

"He-hello," Thomas stutters mesmerized by her.

All of a sudden I feel anger and jealousy rising and I do the it. I kiss her passionately and I could tell she was surprised. But what surprised me the most...She kissed back.and I didn't notice until we broke apart for air,the whole glade was watching.

After we broke apart all she said was " about time you shank," and laughed.

Newt imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now