28•Treating Newt's bruises

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You were assigned to be a med-jack and honestly it wasn't that bad. It could have been a lot worst. Like being a slicer. You always feel bad for Winston.

Suddenly a voice brought you out of your thoughts.

"Hey Y/n, your shift is over " Jeff says "Go get something to eat. You've earned it."

"Okay. Thanks Jeff," you say leaving the building and heading toward the kitchen. It was already late and the runners we're back.

You quickly got some food from Frypan and sat down next to Minho,Chuck, Thomas and Newt.

"Hey Y/n how was work?" Minho asks eating a spoonful of soup.

You shrug. "It was average. How about you?"

"Same as always," he responds.

That was pretty much all you spoke because of course Chuck had a million things to say but you didn't mind it. He was a like a little brother to you.

After that you were ready to go to bed when Newt said "Hey umm, Y/n, can you help me for a second?"

"Sure what is it?" You ask.

"I got hurt working in the gardens. Could you help me?" He asks.

"Of course. Come on," you say walking to the medjack hut.

Everyone was already asleep so you both had to be extra quiet.

Once you both arrived in there you asked Newt where he got the bruises.

"On my chest," he say simply.

Oh god.

"So..umm..you might have to take of your shirt..." Your voice trails off.

"I can't my hands are also filled with cuts," he says lifting his hands for you to inspect.

"Well you weren't kidding," you say with a light smile.

"Nope," he said popping the 'p'.

"Well...umm... You might have to lie down on the bed to make this easier," you say cautiously.

Surprisingly he obligated and lies down on the bed. You quickly follow after him, getting the rubbing alcohol. You set it on the nightstand next to the bed and cautiously start to remove the buttons from Newt's shirt. (Also I know he doesn't wear it in the Glade but for this imagine he's wearing a button down.)

You were hovering over him, your entire focus on the buttons. Maybe once or twice you would accidentally touch his skin but you quickly moved them. Even though your focus was on his buttons, his entire focus was on you. He was watching you, not in a creepy way, more in an admiring way.

Soon all the buttons were undone and you saw all the bruises on his body. You pulled his shirt back so it was still on him but out of the way. You reached out to grab the alcohol and you noticed Newt was staring at you.

You grabbed a cotton ball and put some alcohol on it and very cautiously put in on his bruises. He instantly gritted his teeth and went stiff.

"Sorry," you say breaking the silence.

"No worries love," he says his eyes now closed.


After you unfinished, you started working on his hands. His hands were soft and warm. You never wanted to release them.

Reluctantly you dropped his hands and put the alcohol back.

"All done," you say with your back to him.

"Thanks Y/n," he say standing up. His eyes still focused on you. He thought you looked beautiful. No matter what you were wearing or doing.

You turned to face him. He still didn't tear his eyes from you. He was staring at you like he was entire world. Him standing there, hair slightly messy, shirt still open. All of it was too cute.

"Y/n...will you go on a date with me?" He asks so suddenly you were caught off guard but you still managed to nod your head.

"Great!" He says starting to button his shirt back up.

"See you tomorrow Newt," you say with ha smile and you start to head out the door when he suddenly say "Wait!"


He cached you off guard again when you feel his lips against yours. Now it was your turn to go stiff. But you soon lose yourself in the warmth of his lips that you kiss back.

A cough interuppted you both. You turn to see Thomas there with a smirk on his face.

"Sorry if I was interuppting something."


Wow! This story was long but I hope you enjoyed it.


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