5•Minho teasing you

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It had been over a month since you had arrived in the Glade and you had accepted it by now. Sure, living in a place with what seems like no escape is scary but you were protected, and you had friends. Being the only girl it was hard to make them but Minho, Thomas, Gally Chuck and Newt had accepted you.

Except you felt something different for Newt. It was like butterflies lived in your stomach whenever he was around. Minho sooner found out what you felt and side that day on, he teases you whenever he can.

And today was the perfect day.

It had been really hot out in the glade and since you're a track-hoe you got to spend your entire day with Newt. Which was a pro and a con. It was a pro because you and him talked all day and a con because he only had his tank top on which caused you to stare at his arms all day.

It was almost the end of the day when Minho ran up behind you and scared the klunk out of you.

"Ahhhhhhh!" He screamed making you scream louder.

Newt immediately turned to you but when he saw Minho laughing he put a smirk on his face.

"Should have know it was Minho," he said going back to work.

"You would have know it was me if you weren't staring a Newt," he whispered in your ear. You put your hand on his chest and pushed him away.

"See you two love birds later," he said jogging to the map room.

You and Newt shared a glance because of what Minho called you two.

Love birds.

Maybe one day.

But not today.

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