11• Newt defends you

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*Set in the scorch*

After a tiring day in the scorch,you were exhausted,you look around you to see how many remain. Frypan, Teresa, Thomas,Minho,Aris and Newt. Your boyfriend. When everyone finished setting up the camp you were the first to sleep so you didn't hear the conversation at the fire.

"I never thought I would say this but I miss the glade," chokes out frypan obviously crying about Winston.

There's a long pause before Teresa speaks."I still don't understand why we have Y/n, she's a weakling. She-"

"Hey," says newt firmly." She's still my girlfriend so watch your mouth."

"OK,ok no need to get angry Newt," says Teresa with a roll of her eyes and that causes newt to snap.

"Yeah well she's my bloody girlfriend, something no one else has in here so at least I was lucky enough to have found true love in this hell hole!!!" Newt yells at everyone.

For a long time no one moves a muscle,no on expected newt,the sweet kind, lovable glue that holds everyone together to have yelled at them.but it did make sense. Newt loved Y/n to pieces. She kept him sane in the maze.

"OK Newt,I'm sorry," says Teresa quietly.
"Thank you," says newt sitting back down.

After that no one ever complained about you again,Newt was no one to keep secrets from you,so he told you everything. You were lucky to have someone as protective of you as Newt.

You both were happy.

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