17•Ratman's daughter

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Newt's pov

After Tommy tells us what is going on after he returns from the vent with Aris,we agree we need to leave immediately.

We hurry out the vents when the door is as tightly close as we can get it. We hurry down the vents and I yell to Tommy. "Tommy! What about Y/n?"

"Oh shuck! We forgot Y/n!" He yells. "We need to find her," he says

"I know where she is. Follow me," Aris says and we sigh a breath of relief. We quickly Aris.

After we come out of the vents Aris tells us where she is.

"Wait Aris. Where are you going?" Tommy asks when he sees Aris going back into the vents.

"Don't worry. I need to take care of something. Just go!" He says.

"I'll go with him," Winston says following after Aris.

"C'mon we need to find Y/n," I say running to where Aris says she was. Everyone quickly follows. As we were running a guard spots us. We run faster and we put some distance between us.

Suddenly as we're halfway down a hallway Minho stops running and he starts running down the hallway. "Minho!!" We all yell. He strikes up one of his knees and he somehow timed it perfectly. The guard falls down and Thomas steals his gun and both of them start running back to us. "C'mon!"

We all quickly follow.

Y/n's pov

I was lying down on a bed. With some tubes in my nose. Newt. Suddenly I hear the door open and screams and yells. About four of them seem really familiar.

"Frypan move!" A British accent yells and a crash follows.

"Tie 'um up!!" A voice says and the curtain blocking me pulls out the way.
Thomas comes into my view.

"Y/n. What did they do to you?" He says very quietly.

"Thomas?" My voice come out very quiet. "What's going on?"

"We're getting out of here. C'mon," Thomas says helping me out of the bed.

"C'mon we gotta get out here!" A voice says and Minho comes into focus.

Thomas grabs a stool and hits the window repeatedly but it won't break.

"Newt help me!" Thomas shouts and Newt quickly grabs another stool and hits the window at the same time as Thomas.

He jumps over it and he puts the blanket over the frame of it and helps me over it.

We all just start running like our lives depend on it because it does. (Maze runner reference!)

We come to a set of doors and Thomas grabs an ID card and slides it in but the doors won't open.

"No,no,no,no!!" He says repeatedly.

"Thomas," A voice says from the distance. Ratman.

"Open the door Janson!" Thomas yells walking over to him, pointing the gun. Minho picks up the ID card and slides it again.

"You know I can't do that," he says putting up his hands.

"Open the damn door!!" Thomas yells.

"Just open the damn door and we'll get out of your damn hair!!" I yell very frustrated.

"I can't let you go because you're my daughter," He says making my heart stop.

"What?!" I yell confused.

"Ahhh you don't remember me," he says starting to tear up.

" I Am going no matter what!" I yell again backing up to Newt. He instantly wraps his arms around me.

"Fine! Leave. But you won't survive a day out there," He says angrily.

Suddenly Thomas takes this as an opportunity to start firing shots at him. POW! POW!

Janson quickly goes behind one of those plastic shields and his squad protects him.

Then out if no where the door opens and Aris and Winston show up.

"Hey guys," Aris says

"Well c'mon!!" Minho says.

I quickly run through and address my 'dad'. "Sorry! And I am not your daughter!"

"We wiped your memory!" Ratman yells glaring at me.

"I don't care! I love the gladers and Newt is now my boyfriend!" I yell back just before the doors close and Thomas almost gets trapped. He slides under the door and we all breath a sigh of relief.

We quickly open the main door and run outside. We run through the sand and the wind. Not knowing what was ahead of us....


Hey everyone! Sorry for taking so long to update. Crazy busy! But here you go! Hmmm....Maybe I should do a part 2? Tell me what you think. Also comment some ideas and maybe I'll do one. Until next time! *Tips imaginary top hat*

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