2•The first time you see him

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Darkness was sorrounding me like a blanket. Suddenly I was knocked off my feet and I flew backwards. The doors on top of this box shaped contraption opened.

Light filled the room and I was blinded. I lifted my hand to block it, squinting.

As if a camera suddenly changed to focus, a group of at least 50 boys from all shapes and sizes came into view. But one caught my attention.

Square jaw. Sandy blonde hair. A confused face plastered on his. Suddenly he jumped down and walked over to me.

"It's a girl," he said quietly.

No kidding Sherlock.

"What going on down there?"

"What do you see Newt?"


"It's a girl," Newt said much louder. Everyone above exploded with questions.

"A girl?

"Is she hot?"

"How old is she?"

"Shut it!" A voice boomed over causing all the boys to close their mouths.

A dark skinned boy came into view.

"Pull her out," he said making me think he was the leader.

A rope with a loop at the end fell down and I hesitantly stepped in. The boys holding the rope pulled and I was lifted out of the box.

As soon as my feet touched the grass, I noticed that the entire space was sorrounded with metal walls that had opening. My head was whipping from side to side.

"She's going to break her neck checking out the new digs," a raspy voice said earning many laughs.

"What keeper she gonna get?" A voice asked from the back of the group.

"A slopper for sure." Said another causing even more laughs to come.

"Hey!" The dark skinned boy yelled. "Shut your mouths! The council will have a gathering but let me tell you all this now. No one is allowed to touch her. You hear me? Good"

Everyone nodded and left.

"Newt give her the tour," He said then he too walked away.

"Well Greenie guess it's just you and me," Newt said trying to lighten up the mood. I could detect a British accent in his voice.

"Guess it is," I say surprising myself with my voice.

"Then let's go," and started walking away.

About and hour later I was sitting down at and old picnic table with Newt and a twelve year old kid named Chuck.

"So how you liking the Glade," Chuck asked.

"It's alright I guess," I say with a shrug.

"Don't worry, everything will be okay," Newt said with a soft smile.

And with that one simple smile, I knew: Everything was going to be okay.

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