10.She's different pt3

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Y/N's pov

That little son of a ugghh,all nice and sweet with all the girls.NO! He will see, two can play at this game. Maybe I should have backup.
I saw Newt and Minho sitting at a bench talking and Thomas was half way across from them but he was closer to me,so the plan began: I ran to Thomas and jumped on his back making him grunt and laugh,witch Newt looked up immediately.

Thomas threw me on the floor right next to Newt and Minho and started tickling me,I was dying of laughter and I could hear two other laughs but one very familiar,once Thomas had stopped my eyes were blurry with tears so I couldn't see Newt's angered face.
"Get a room you two," Minho teased. Usually he said that kind of thing to me and Newt.
"Minho don't get jealous that Tommy likes me better than you," I said sticking me tongue out and at that moment Ms bit- Sonya came and sat next to Newt. "Hiiiiii newtie! She cooed.

"HELLOOO,"I shouted
"HOLA," Minho joined
"Hiya," Thomas finally said

"Very rude to only say hi to one person," I addressed smirking

"Newt you're awfully quiet," Thomas stated.

"Yeah Newt,your awfully quiet," I teased waiting him to burst in 3..2..1.

"Enough,your driving me crazy!!" He shouted

No one's pov

Newt stood up and yanked y/n by her arm and passionately but roughly kissed her showing everyone she's his.

When they broke apart everyone's mouth was open in shock.

"About time you shank," Y/n said laughing.

Newt imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now