9•Behind your back pt2

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It had been three months as since you broke up with newt. Well that was an understatement,of the situation in your opinion.what it really felt like was:it had been three months since newt had completely ripped your heart out of your chest,threw it to the ground and stomped on it. While Jessica stood holding his hand,proud of what he did. Yes that felt like half of it felt like. Even the greenies that continued to come up quickly learned about the situation. You figured it really couldn't be helped since there was only three girls in total. And since newt did all the greenie tours it wasn't really that hard to figure out. Not when Jessica went all kissy-kissy to the second in command when he introduced her,and Teresa would flip him off,and you pretended not to hear him,he barely says your name anyway.

"Hey," your best friend's voice suddenly rang in your ears as she nudged you lightly.
You realize that you have spaced out a bit as you fixed the inventory in the med-hut. You quickly turn to her,your tired eyes wide.
Teresa smiled sweetly at you,but you could see the concern in her eyes. She liked her lips and smirked at you, leaning in as if she had the juiciest gossip ever (next to yours of course) frypan's trying a new dish tonight, think we'll survive?"
You forced a chuckle that was stuck in your throat from what she had said,"I know my way around the kitchen, don't worry tres," you smiled before going back to your work.
"Good that," she said and you felt her watch you for a moment as her smile disappeared,then she goes back k to work too. You had to be thankful your best friend treated you normally.She stopped asking if you were okay two weeks ago,realizing you never were and only lied about it.but it honestly hadn't been any easier as the days, weeks and months went by.it wasn't that it was getting harder either,it was just the constant pain that pulsed through you-unchanging as if you already hit rock-bottom.

Minho was another who helped a lot. He was the one that by your side when you first broke up with Newt. He held you tightly while you cried and since then he has been there-always. Even when he ran the maze the whole day, you noticed that when he's back in the glade,he was always with you. He would immediately be by your side as soon as he finished his running duties. He would sit by you at lunch and would make you laugh with one of his sassy remarks. He would bring you to your hut and wish you goodnight,even stay with you just to talk-really talk about everything away from anyone's ears. You were lucky to have a great friend in Minho, as well as  your best friend Teresa-both of them helped you through everything truly.

They were like you new defence squad.It helped that they were probably the most intimidating people in the glade. You knew they gave looks to people who asked if you were okay. You felt like you could do it yourself, really.You found that you were great at acting,so interacting with people masked your feeling but it didn't stop the questions from being asked. You had noticeably lost weight from the lack of appetite and you had dark circles under you eyes from the lack of sleep.
But with looks from your friends the gladers dropped the topic completely and even made sure Newt and Jessica had the most minimal contact during the day.
Seeing Jessica and Newt's public displays of affection felt like a bass knuckle to your gut especially since you felt that Jessica could dangle her boyfriend Infront of you any chance she had.Though that wasn't the worst.
When you dared to look you sometimes saw Newt with a apologetic expression but it was the fact that even with that,he didn't do anything about it. Your self esteem had been completely destroyed and you honestly believed, especially alone at night,not only felt it but you were nothing.Even though Minho,the only one that knew exactly how you felt,told you otherwise,you still couldn't believe it. You really wished you believed in his sweet words but every time you remembered Newt,you knew you couldn't.

"You shanks done in here or what?" A familiar voice suddenly called from the door as it swung open. You turned to see the smiling face of the runner who was you best friend. You softly smiled at him. Clint nodded dismissing you and Teresa who quickly hooked her arms over yours as she pulled you away,you both joined Minho toward the kitchen.

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