32•Minho imagine

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So I saw this Minho imagine on Pinterest and I really liked it. So here it is. Enjoy!

You have been in the Glade for about a month and you were a runner. It was weird to wake up everyday not knowing if you would survive the day but you loved the edge it had on you. It was like motivation.

Since you've been there you had developed a crush on a certain keeper of the runners. Everything about him made your heart race. His sassy personality, his hair and how he has a gigantic ego.

After you exited the hut, the greenie alarm went off. You and Minho both ran over to the box. You felt sorry for the greenie who had to live here now. You exchanged a look with Minho before he reached to the doors, opened them, and jumped down.

You tried to steal of the Greenie hoping it was a girl. When minho resurfaced he had a boy with brown hair and brown eyes. He looked about sixteen at the most seventeen. He glanced around everyone until his eyes fell on you.

You both continued to stare at each other before Minho grabbed him by the shoulder and he teared his eyes off of you.

"Welcome to the Glade," Alby said approaching the greenbean.

"W-where am I?" The brown eyed boy stuttered.

"No where good," Alby responded. "Give him the tour Newt."

"Yes sir," Newt said with a smile approaching the greenie. "Remember your name?"

"It's T-thomas," the greenie finally said.

Thomas. You thought.

"Well thomas, welcome to the Glade," Newt said leading Thomas away.

Minho approached you with a somewhat mad look. "Why did Thomas look like that to you?"

You raised an eyebrow "How should I know?"

"Well it looked like you gave him that same look." Minho accused.

"Why do you care?" You asked. It was a little weird he was acting like this. He has never been the one to be overprotective of you. That was Newt.

"Nevermind," He said and he walked away.

What's with him?

~Time skip~

P.s Teresa has already arrived but she's awake.

(Minho's pov)

Days passed and I barely looked at Y/n. Thomas had saved my life and Alby's life and for some weird he wanted to go back out into the maze.

He didn't seem to be such a bad guy but I still didn't like the look he gave Y/n. Something about it bothered me.

"Hey Minho! Can I talk to you for a sec?" Thomas said running over to me.

I didn't want to but I knew I had to.

"Sure Thomas. What you need?" I ask.

"I need some advice. I like this girl but..." His voice trials off.

Must be talking about Teresa. I think

"Just ask her out shuck-face! It's not a big deal." I exclaim.

"You're right! Okay I'll ask Y/n out right now!" He says and he sets off to walk away.

Wait? What?!?

"Woah whoa whoa!" I say running infront of him putting my hand on his chest. "Hold it Shuck-face! I thought you were talking about Teresa. Asking Y/n out is a big deal. Know why? Because I will kick your pony loving butt if you do." I say before I run to find Y/n.

I can't believe he was going to asks Y/n out. Over my dead body.

I finally spot her working in the gardens talking with Newt.

I can do this.

"Hey Y/n can I talk to you for a sec?" I ask.

She lifts her head to see me. "Hey Minho! Sure." She stood up, brushed her hands off on her jeans and looked up.

Newt quickly ​got the hint and left to find Zart.

"Umm...I was sorta wondering if you umm wanted to go out with me?" I say scratching the back of my neck.

She smiles and her eyes start to shine. "I would love to."

My heart skips a beat.

"Really?" I say suprised

She giggled at my response. "Yes really."

My entire face lights up. "Then i'll see you later."

"Yes you will."

I turn around with me back to her and I silently thank Thomas. If it wasn't for him I never would have had the guts to ask Y/n out.

Thank you Thomas.


Sorry for not uploading for a while. I was super busy. But I hope you enjoyed it.


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