25• Runners and Newt

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Newt was starting to fall in love with you but he knew he shouldn't because you were a runner and he could lose you at any moment. So he started keeping his distance from you.

You first noticed he was avoiding you when Newt used to wait for you by the doors for your return. But one day he wasn't there. You didn't think much of it until it happened everyday from that day forward.

You finally had enough. You decided to confront him after dinner wether he wanted or not.

After you got your dinner and sat with Teresa and Minho,you got up when you saw Newt stand up as well.

"Bye guys. I'll see in the morning," you say standing up.

"Bye Y/n." They responded.

You left the kitchen and you saw Newt walking off to the deadheads. You secretly crept up to him without him noticing.

"Newt!" You say making him turn around in surprise.

"Y/n?" He say quietly.

"Newt, what is wrong with you? Why are you avoiding me? I thought we were getting along great until you stopped talking to me." You shouted as Newt tried not to make eye contact with you.

"You're a runner and I love you. You could die any day, we all could. I just don't want to get you or myself hurt. " He mutters as you couldn't believe what he was saying.

"Newt look at me." He lifts his head to meet eyes with you. " We're all going to die at some point. It's part of life. Life is full of heartbreaks and pain but it's also full of love and happiness. You can't push me away like that. And...I love you too."

His eyes widen. "Y-you do?"

You nod with a smile on your face and tears glistening in your eyes.

He walks over to you and presses his lips to yours gently. You immediately kiss him back. Soon you pull away out of breath. Newt presses his forehead to yours panting.

"I guess your right. I'm sorry for pushing you away. I was just...scared. Of losing you."

"But you never will." You assure him. "I promise."

You kept your part. You never left him. He was always there for you and you were there for him.

Everyone is going to hurt you. You just have to find the people worth suffering for.


Quick A/n: Thank you sooo much for the 1k views!! I never thought my book will get this far. Thank you all for voting and for reading. *Mwah* !! Love you all! Bye!

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