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"Thanks for helping out with the puppies again!" Mrs Lee shouted from the store room as i started packing my bag.

Shouting out a 'you're welcome', i carefully brought my headphones over my ears and started walking as the music blasted from the device.

As the view of my apartment came into sight, a small smile was immediately brought upon my face when the image of a fluffy puppy flooded my mind.

With a click and a turn of the keys, I twisted the knobs and cooed, "Has Cherry been a good girl?" Wagging her tail, she barked and pawed at my ankles.

"Come one dear, let's get you some food." She followed behind obediently as i switched on the kitchen lights.

Placing the bowl of brown mashed solid onto the floor, i smiled as she started digging in. "Good girl." I said, reaching forward to brush her mane.

At the corner of my eyes, i noticed that it was close to six. Dinner time! Salad? Pizza? Sushi?

Sighing, I ended up eating salad as the fact that i could not afford the rest hit me. I dug in to the bowl filled with greens and light drizzle of sesame dressing.


I quickly ran and picked up the phone as the ring echoed around the room. "Hello?"

"Cheonsa ah, are you doing fine?"

"Oh mom, how's work in Japan?"

"Its good. I think I can return soon in a few months time. Oh I need to go back to work now, just wanted to inform you of that anyways. Sleep well Cheonsa!"


Beep beep.

Brushing a stray hair blocking my view, i heaved a sigh and placed the phone back down. This was nothing new after all. 


Yawning, i rubbed at my eyes trying to drive the sleepiness away as i stumbled to my desk. Deciding that there was no way i could feel less tired, i rested my head on the table with a thought of catching some sleep before lessons start.

"Angel~" I groaned as i caught on to the fact that the moment Rye was here, i could just say goodbye to having any sleep.

Wiping the sides of my mouth to ensure that i did not drool or what not, i asked, "Why are you exceptionally enthusiastic today?"

"Maybe because the hottest guys in school has just been transferred to our class now?" She rolled her eyes with a hint of a smirk.

"Trust me, I have been in this school for almost 3 years and there is no one that is hot." I snorted as i cracked a few tense bones.

She scoffed before pointing at this group of guys in which i quickly smacked her hands down with a reason of it being rude to point, "They aren't hot?" 

Squinting my eyes, I took a closer look. "Not bad I guess but they seem like they skip classes and stuff." I said as I continued to stare.

"Exactly, and that's what makes them on fire." She said as she dramatically fluttered her lashes.

"Teacher is here!" I said in between laughter and quickly rushed her back to her seat.

[edited; 18/11/17]

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