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"You sure about this Jungkook?" Taehyung asked me.

I sighed and nodded. "Just do it! I need too know her answer."

Taehyung smiled and nodded. "Hwaiting!" I heard him say to himself.

I hid behind the lockers as I continued listening to how their converstation would go.

"Who are you and what do you want?" I heard Cheonsa say.

I looked down and sighed. Still pretending not to know us.

"Jungkook is going through a really tough time. He likes you alot. Even though it was a dare he did like you eventually." I nodded. It is true Cheonsa.

I heard her scoff. "As if. If he had liked me he wouldn't have played with my feelings just for a pile of homework." I bit my bottom lip.

"If you have nothing else to say then I would be taking my leave now." I sighed, I totally forgot about our plan momentarily.

"You really are very stupid you know. Jungkook was right." I froze.


I completely blanked out as I heard Cheonsa talk.

Soon, tears of regret soon started falling. The tears blurred my vision as I stared down to the ground.

Taehyung tapping my shoulder made me return to reality.

"H-Hyung..." I cried softly as he hugged me.

"Everything will be fine. Trust me. If everything goes wrong then you will just have to accept that Cheonsa will only be your past. Forget her and move on arraseo?" Taehyung said.

I just remained silent as the tears continued soaking Taehyung's sleave.

After classes end, I walked out and to the school gate.

I was waiting for Rye when suddenly Jungkook came out.

However, this time, I didnt scoff or roll my eyes, cause Jungkook looks dead.

My eyes softened at the sight of how fragile he looked then.

My right hand sub-consciously reached out, wanting to touch him but I stopped myself.

"Jung-" he just walked past me.

My heart shattered slightly.

My legs moved on its on to follow Jungkook. Where are you going ah Jungkook?

I sighed and looked down. We arrived at a street not too far from my house. It was filled with many stalls.

I looked up and looked around. Wow, come to think about it, its been 18 years and I never really explored this place.

I looked forward again and tried to find Jungkook.

My eyes widened as I looked around frantically.

Wheres Jungkook?

I quickly browsed through the stores, trying to find Jungkook.

Finally,I reached the last store on the street.

It was a coffee shop.

I sighed and decided. Why not go in and grab a cup of coffee?

I was queueing for my turn when I looked around and saw Jungkook's back.

The sides of my mouth curled up but, he was hugging someone.

My smiled faded.

He pulled away. I mentally scoffed. Of course. It had to be Ki.

She was stroking his head as he leaned against her shoulder.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I stepped out of the queue.

I opened the door of the shop and quickly ran towards Rye's house.

I panted as 'swear' rolled down my face.

"Omo, Cheonsa! I thought you left me! Where have you been?" She asked as I raised my hand up.

"No, no time. I, I need to bathe, and eat. Im tired." I panted as I climbed up the stairs.

"Why do your house have so many staircases!" I shouted when I finally reached the top of the steps.

I sat on the floor as I tried to catch my breath.

"Jeon Jungkook. You made me run for you."

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