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As i walked back to our table, a small smile grew on my face as i imagined how absurd it must have been for her. I laughed softly to myself.

"So how did it go?" Jimin asked, the rest crowding around.

With a nod, i cursed under my breath as i pushed them away. "She agreed to let me help her this Sunday in an animal shelter." I said and shrugged.

"Ooh, Jungkookie is doing a good deed." Taehyung teased while i punched him lightly.

"Yah, but she really is quite pretty." Jin said as he stole a glance of her.



With a white tee and denim jeans, i went over to the shelter which she had texted me the address and played some games on my phone as i waited for her.

"Hey hey, looks like someone was stalking." I teased as i pointed to our outifits- white shirts and denim jeans.

She blushed but frowned. "I didn't stalk you though." She said.

Laughing, i bent down and ruffled her head. "It was just a joke, geez."

"Good morning Mrs Lee." She bowed and smiled to the lady standing behind a counter.

"Ah yes, good morning Cheonsa. This young man here is your boyfriend I suppose?" She said and smiled knowingly.

"N-No! He wanted to tag along thats all." She said and smiled to her though a light flush could be seen.

"Jungkook ah! Follow me." She said and walked to the back. I waved to the lady and followed behind here closely.

"Hello everyone!" Cheonsa cooed as the puppies all barked happily at her. She giggled and squatted down to play with them.

"This guy over here is Jungkook. He's your friend okay. No biting!" She 'ordered' and looked at me.

"Come closer." She motioned with a wave of her hand.

With slight hesitation, i slowly reached down and ruffled one puppy carefully.

The puppies were all silent until a small japanese spitz barked at me.

"Oh my," Flinching, I jumped back. Cheonsa started laughing at me in which i chuckled nervously.

"That little one which barked at you is named Cookie, cause he likes to eat the doggy cookies." She smiled at me. I nodded and smiled back.

She told me all their names and we started cleaning. Standing side by side,  we slowly wiped their trays clean.

"Jungkook ah, do you know how to sing?" She asked in the midst of water splashing.

With a tilt of my head to the side, i nodded. "A little?"

She smiled and asked," Can you sing for me?"

Without thinking much of it, i mumbled, "Sure." So, the lyrics of Big Bang's 'Let's Not Fall In Love' can be heard through the room.

"Let's not fall in love, we dont even know each other that well yet." She smiled while rinsing the bowl.

"Actually I'm a little scared." 

"I'm sorry. Let's not make promises you never know when tomorrow comes."

As i noticed ripples forming on the small tub of water, I looked up at her and saw her smiling sadly.

"Jungkook ah, you know, you really remind me of my ex." She said sadly but still continued smiling while scrubbing the pan.

"Can you wash up here? I will fill up the bowl of food. Thanks." She said and smiled, not looking at me.

"Okay," I muttered as i stared at her disappearing figure.

[edited; 18/11/17]

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