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I knocked the door of Rye's and waited while sniffling.

"Omo what happened? Why did you- quickly come in!" I walked into Rye's house and sat on her couch.

"A-Arent you sick?" I asked. She scoffed. "Are you my friend? Me and Jimin stayed at the party till almost 5am. How was I supposed to go to school?" I laughed slightly.

"So what happened?" I looked down as the tears welled up again.

"Didnt you receive a text?" I asked.

"Huh? Oh yah. But I was too lazy to check it. I will check it now." She opened up the message and stayed silent for quite some time.

I looked up and saw her clenching her fists.

"That asshole! Cheonsa ah, I will call Jimin to make sure you get your revenge." She stood up but I quickly pulled her back down.

"That can wait. Do you remember the time when I was a mess for two months?" I said quietly.

"Yah why?" She replied.

The tears fell again. "I found out that Jungkook only dated me for a dare." I said, trying my very best not to crack.

More tears fell as I remembered how he shrugged when Rye asked him about it.

"T-The worst thing was. After h-he was reminded of the dare, he just shrugged and d-danced with Ki!" I shouted and buried my face into my knees.

"Rye, I really really dont know whats wrong with me. A-Am I really stupid? Do i look stupid? Are my feelings nothing? I literally told Jungkook everything about my past and yet," I took in a deep breath and hicupped.

"And yet he did the same thing. Can you imagine. This whole month, for 30 days, everything that he did with me, said to me,"

"Was all fake?" I trailed off.

I looked up and saw Rye looking at me sadly. "I am considering to go to Japan with my mom. I really really had enough of boys. Honestly, I really dont wanna get into a relationship anymore." I said as I looked down.

"Cheonsa ah, I am really sorry." Rye said and hugged me.

I shook my head and sobbed.

"Your not the one who should say sorry."

"Rye ah, can I stay in your house for a few days before I go back?" I asked.

She immediatley nodded. "Thanks."


I called my dog-sitter to look after Cherry for these few days. I trust her to take care of Cherry.

"Cheonsa, I will be going out with Jimin later. Are you okay alone here?" Rye asked.

I smiled weakly and nodded. "Im not a child anymore."

"Or maybe I am so boys play with me." I whispered the last part.

I shook my head and forced out a smile. "Go on! You dont want your prince to be waiting!" I shooed her out of the house.

"Dont mess up my house!" I heard her shout before I shut the door.

I sighed and smiled.

My phone beeped.

Cheonsa are you okay?
Dont believe the picture.
Ki and I really did nothing.
I only love you okay?
Please call me back.

I shook my head as the tears threatened to fall again.

Its just a dare. 'I only love you' thats also fake isnt it?

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