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Did I make the right decision to give her up? Why wasnt she happy?

I kept on thinking about these as she left me on the bench.

"Why?" I mumbled to myself.

I cursed and kicked the stones on the ground.

I got off and started walking back to my dorm.

I didnt even realise I reached the front door until Yoongi opened the door.

"Come on in." He said and I got in.

I sighed and laid on the couch, staring into space.

I sighed again,

And again,

And again.

"Aish jjinja!" I shouted and sat up straight.

"What happened?" Jimin groane and sat next to me.

I laid back and closed my eyes. "Angel problems." I mumbled.

"Cheonsa?" He asked.

I nodded slightly and sighed. "Do you think I made a right choice to let her go?" I asked with my eyes still closed.

"Well, I dont, I dont really know." I trailed off.

"What was her reaction when you said that?" Jimin sighed.

"She seemed kinda off I guess. When I reached out for her wrist she just said 'dont'." I said, surprised.

Jimin sighed sadly and placed his hand on my thigh and looked at me. "You made the wrong move Jungkook ah, you made a wrong choice." He said sadly and got up.

I opened my eyes and frowned. "Why?" I asked and looked at Jimin who was standing now.

"She still loves you Jungkook ah." He said and walked to his room.

My mouth was left agaped as I staed into space.

Cheonsa, still loves



I left the house right in the morning and ran to school.

Cheonsa still loves me right?

With that thought in my mind, I smiled to myself and entered the classroom.

I placed down my bag and decided to just stroll around.

I sighed happily to myself as I walked to the school garden.

I sat on the bench and suddenly thought of the time when Cheonsa and I sung together.


"C'mon! I wont judge! I promise." I said and swung her arm around. Cheonsa pouted and shook her head.

"No! How many times must I say that I wont sing?" She whined.

I whined too and jumped up and down.

"Please, please, please, please-"

"Ok ok. I will do it." I cheered but she stopped me. "Unless you start first." She smiled cheekily.

I pouted playfully and nodded.

"Lets sing okay? Ready 1 and a 2 and a 1 2 3..." We then started singing together.

Our bodies moving in sync, swaying side to side.

I looked at her and smiled. She looked at me and smiled.

When we finished, I reached out to hug her tightly.

"Cheonsa jjang! Jjang jjang jjang!" I cheered and she giggled.

I chuckled too.


I laughed sadly. I breathed in and sighed. Its okay, so long Cheonsa takes me back.


She still loves me,


Yes, it should be right.

Everything will be alright.

I dont love him anymore.


Huehuehue is Cheonsa talking about jeon jungkookie?? MUAHAHHAHA

"JEON JUNGKOOKIE! JUNGKOOK READY?" *cue jiminie's cute mochi voice*

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