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My eyelids slowly opened as I took a look of my surroundings. I was at my couch with a blanket around me.

I stretched a little and smiled upon remembering last night.

I folded the blanket and placed it at a side. I walked over to the kitchen and saw my worksheets stacked neatly at a side.

I frowned. I remembered it being strewn all over.

A blue post-it was sticked. I smiled. Jungkook.

Good morning angel! I helped you cleaned up abit and for the last two questions, I wrote down the solution so just analyse it. Oh yah, next time eat a proper meal! >:( Dont eat cup noodles again okay? You have eggs in your fridge so cook some for breakfast, arra? Bye bye <3

From: Jungkookie

I smiled even wider. My phone suddenly beeped. I picked it up and saw. The school messaged us saying that the building had a little malfunctioning so school will be closed for the whole of this week.

I squealed and jumped in excitement.

I quickly packed the homework back into my bag and carefully placed the post it in my drawer.

I put my hair up in a ponytail and straightened my shirt before going out with Cherry.

I hummed to a song silently as I walked Cherry down the streets.

"Good morning ahjumma!" I greeted the auntie selling flowers. She smiled ad waved.

I walked to the dog-friendly café which I go every morning whenever I was free.

"Good morning Mrs Kim." I greeted the store owner. "Aye, it has been long since you came! The usual?" I nodded and smiled.

I let Cherry sit next to me and I just stared through the glass panel.

Soon, my waffles came and so did Cherry's treats.

"Eat well." I cooed. Cherry just hurriedly digged in.

I smiled and cut a slice of my waffles.

The bell suddenly rang. I looked up to see Taehyung walking in.

I waved at him.

He noticed me and smiled back. He ordered his meal and walked towards me.

"Hello." I said as I ate another piece of my waffle.

"Hi! Oh, whats her name?" Taehyung asked and bent down to pat Cherry's head.

He smiled upon seeing her.

"Cherry." I replied. He nodded slowly.

"So your a thing now with Jungkook right?" He asked. I nodded shyly.

"Congratz." He said but didnt really seemed happy. "Is there something wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Mister! Your order is done." Mrs Kim said.

He nodded and waved goodbye to me. "Just remember not to fall to hard." He said and walked away.

I widened my eyes. Dont fall too hard? What does he mean? Dont tell me, he is like Wonhi?

I quickly shook my head. "Stop thinking about negative things." I slapped my cheeks and quickly stuffed myself with the food.

A Dumb Angel Where stories live. Discover now