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I smiled after she left for the restroom. I sighed happily and took a sip of my cocktail.

I looked around Taehyung's house. Its been long since I visited again.

I chuckled at myself. "Jungkook! You came already?" I turned to my right to see Ki smiling at me.

I nodded and smiled. "You came alone?" I asked and took another sip.

She nodded and shrugged. "Well, I am single. Unless you would be my partner for the night?" She smirked.

I laughed and shook my head. "Cheonsa's with me." I took another sip.

She pouted and sat next to me.

"Do you plan on breaking up with her? Theres only one day left 'till the dare id over." She said and drank a shot of vodka.

I froze. Right, I forgot about it.

"I plan on going official with her." I answered.

I noticed her tense up a bit before she calmed down. "Ah, really? Wont she be mad if she knows that its just a dare? I mean she did go through the same thing."

I shrugged. "I will just have to win her back then."

She nodded and stood up. "I will see you later then. Oh hi Cheonsa." I tensed up slightly.

I turned behind and saw Cheonsa smiling so I relaxed. "Hello again." I waved and reached out to hold her hand.

I guess she didnt notice my hand as she just went straight for her seat.

"Erm, Jungkook ah, I will get going first. I feel slightly uncomfortable." She suddenly said.

I nodded and held her waist. "Do you need me to send you home?" I asked worriedly.

She shook her head and looked down.

"S-See you in school tomorrow okay?" She said and walked out of her seat.

I smiled sadly and nodded. "Take care." I said and saw her walk out of the door.

I sighed. I was planning on dancing with her.

"Are you finally alone now? Wanna dance mister?" Ki tapped my shoulder. I shrugged. Cheonsa wont mind right? Yah she wont.

"Why not?" I held her hand and walked to the dance floor.

The moment I opened the door I squatted down. I took in deep breaths and closed my eyes.

The tears slowly streamed down my face.

I walked back to my house slowly. It would take about 30 minutes to get back by foot.

But I needed the time to think as well.

As I closed the bathroom door, two girls walked in. I recognised them as my classmates. "Oh! Your invited as well?" I said and smiled. They smiled too.

"So your still dating Jungkook?" One of the girls asked. I nodded and rinsed my hands. "What if he just dated you as a dare?" I froze.

"Huh?" I said and stared at them. They scoffed. "Think about it." They then left. I still stood there, with the cold water running down my hand.

It..cant be right?

I walked out of the bathroom and saw Jungkook with Ki. I smiled upon seeing him smile.


"What if she finds out that its a dare?" My smile faded.

I saw him shrug like its no big deal. My heart stopped. Suddenly I felt like I cant talk, breathe or hear.


I calmed myself down. Trying my very best not to break down right there.

Ki greeted me but i heard no more. She knew as well. Yet she didnt tell me.

I walked to my seat and told Jungkook that I needed to go home. He said whether he needed to send me home. I almost scoffed. Shouldnt he rephrase it to 'I will send you home'?

My trust for him dropped to the very bottom. I walked out of that stupid door.


Is it all fake then?

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