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"Really? He said that to you? I cant even-" Rye kept squealing and hitting my forearm.

"Stop it!" I pushed her to the side, rolling my eyes yet again with a slight laugh.

"Will you accept him though?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I'm not sure whether I can accept another man though."

We walked to the classroom together and settled down on our seats, talking about our usual topics.

"Well hello there." Rye stopped talking and gasp. I frowned and turned behind. "My heart-" Jungkook was right in front of me.

He laughed at me and ruffled my fringe. "How's my little angel doing?"

"Oh my gawd stop-" i groaned and hid my face on the palms of my hands, ignoring the squeals and beating of Rye.

"Bye bye." He said cutely and walked to his group of friends. Looking up, i saw a smirk on Rye's face.

"What the heck did he do yesterday?"

"N-Nothing I promise!" It was true!


We walked to a table in the canteen and took out our lunchboxes.

"You still have to tell me everything." Rye said in between mouthfuls of rice.

"I told you already. He just helped me out in the shelter and brought me for lunch. That's all. Really." I confessed. Technically it is the truth, just not everything.

"Really?" I jumped up in shock.

"Its your dear dear." Rye whispered teasingly.

Cringing, i kicked her leg underneath and snickered secretly when she yelped.

"Hi." I greeted Jungkook and went back to my food. His friends were sitting beside him as well. Glancing at Rye, I noticed her blushing.

I smirked. Looks like someone is in love.

Acting all worried, i gasped dramatically, "Rye ah! Are you sick?"

She widened her eyes and mouthed to me something.

Shrugging, i motioned to the guy next to her.

"Are you sick?" That guy reached forward to touch her forehead but she quickly leaned back resulting in her almost falling.

However that guy, quickly catched her by the waist. "My name is Park Jimin." He whispered into her ears.

I stifled my laughter and smack my knee continuously.

"Smooth." I blurted.

Jimin winked towards me and let Rye go. Jungkook and his friends then started talking as per usual.

Can you
I cant myself.

I bit my lower lip to stop myself from laughing.

You like jimin dont you? I could tell from the way you blush and stutter:) tsk tsk tsk looks like someone is in love ><

She kicked my leg resulting in me yelping silently. I glared at her but saw her furiously typing something.

Its not like you arent
You have a kookie to yourself
Jungkook and cheonsa sitting on the tree

I glared at her.

"We are still here you know." Glancing up, i took a double-take and saw Jungkook looking at my phone while Jimin looking at Rye's.

All of them were looking at us.

"Shoots." I muttered and pressed the off button.

"Rye ah! We have a project right?" Quickly making up an excuse, we packed our lunchboxes.

"Yes yes! Gotta go!" With that, we scurried away, not wanting to face any of them.

[Edited; 19/11/17]

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