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Helloo everybodyyyyyy im going to make this maybe the last chapter cause i wanna start on book 2 of this okieee

So this chapter is basically just a filler of how its gonna semi-end

Thanks my loveliesss


As I sat on the swing thinking about my life, I felt someone push me from behind.

I looked back and immediately jumped up.

"Omma! Your back?!" I hugged her tightly.

She giggled and hugged me back.

"Hows my daughter doing?" She asked and kissed my forehead.

I nodded my head and looked at her.

"Are you staying here in Korea for now?" I asked her quietly.

She pursed her lips and shook her head. She held my hand and looked at me.

"Cheonsa ah, would you come to Japan with me?"


I plonked myself on the bed as I stared at the ceiling.

Should I go or should I not go?

I sighed and ruffled my hair.

"What should I do?" I asked myself.

My phone vibrated. I sat up right and turned on my phone.

Cheonsa, why werent you in school today?
Can I please talk to you?
Just this once again.

I sighed and off my phone. I cant Jungkook ah.

I laid on my bed again and looked at my phone.

I dialled someone and asked to meet up.

"Rye, can we talk?"


We met up at a cafe and ordered our drinks. "So whats happening? Is it about Jungkook or-"

I shook my head. "Its about something regarding my future. Rye, do you think I should go to Japan?" I asked quietly.

She widened her eyes and stared at me.

"Are you serious? Why? Is it about Jungkook? He still loves you! Why would-"

"Its about my mom!" I quickly cut her off.

"Shes going to stay there for a year and maybe longer. I've been separated from her for too long, I dont want to be away from her again." I explained silently.

Rye sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Are you sure? You wont regret it? You wont miss me?" She looked at me sadly. "You wont miss Jungkook?"

I remained silent.

"Cause he does. Hes waiting for you at the park. He likes you Cheonsa, dont you get it? He loves you, you dumb angel." She said and held my hand.

A tear dropped pitifully from my face.

"I do miss you Rye. I do miss him." Her face brightened.

"But I dont love him anymore." I lied.

Her smile faded but she nodded slowly. "Okay, I understand. But I will miss you! If you come back make sure to buy me many many sweets okay?" She squeezed my hands.

I laughed and nodded.

"I promise."

A Dumb Angel Where stories live. Discover now