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After having our small talk, Jungkook brought me to a small restaurant to have our lunch.

"Ya, the food here is really expensive!" I whispered to him.

He raised his brow. "Its not too bad."

Rolling my eyes, i muttered, "Rich kid problems."


"Can I have a medium-rare steak and for the lady," He looked at me.

"Erm, a salmon salad please. Thanks." I said quitely. He nodded and walked off.

"Why aren't you eating much?" Jungkook questioned. "Im not used to eating much and plus, its too expensive, it makes me feel bad." I replied and took a sip of water.

"Why dont you eat much?"

I shrugged. "Well, i was always alone so there isnt really someone to tell me to eat or do something. Meh, im used to it."

He nodded slowly. "Then, I will be the one who will ask you to eat more now." Jungkook smiled happily and ruffled my hair.

"Eh?" I choked on my water. "Why? You don't know me that well anyways." I stated.

He shrugged. "I guess I will know more about you from now on, Lee Cheonsa. I want to be your other half from now on."

I laughed. "Why?"

"Honestly, I like you." He replied bluntly.

"E-Eh?" I stared at him with my mouth agaped.

He chuckled and leaned closer. He touched my chin and closed my mouth.

"Close your mouth, bun."

"W-Who said t-that you could call me t-that?" I stuttered, feeling the blush creeping up and the butterflies starting to fly around my body.

"Cutie." He chuckled. I buried my face in my hands.

"Your food is here." Opening my eyes, i saw a steak in front of me and a salad in front of Jungkook.

Holding onto the sides of the plate, i got ready to switch dishes with him. "Erm, can you pass me my food."

He pointed to the steak. "There you go." Jungkook said and ate a piece of salad.

"B-But." I stared at the piece of mouth-watering steak in front of me.

"Its okay, im trying to lose weight anyways. Don't worry, I will pay." He replied and stuffed his mouth with the greens.

"But-" He sighed and cut a piece of the steak, stuffing it into my mouth.

"Just eat. You are too skinny." I nibbled on my lips but chewed on the piece of meat.

As I was about to munch on another piece, I noticed Jungkook looking all gloomy.

Pursing my lips, i let out a small smile and placed the piece of meat into his bowl of veggies.

"Have it. I cant finish it all anyways." I replied and smiled.

He smiled back. "Thanks, Cheonsa."


When we were done, Jungkook paid for the food like he said and drive me home. The ride home was silent but comfortable, soft melody flowing through the radio.

Once we reached, I thanked him and opened the door. "See you in school tomorrow angel."

"Eh?" I turned back only too see him speeding away. I can't help but to smile.

"Jeon Jungkook."

[Edited; 19/11/17]

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