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"Oh, your Jeon Jungkook right? Ne, how may I help you?" I tried to sound as calm as possible and cheered mentally when I managed to do that successfully.

"C-Cheonsa? W-What-" He looked shock.

I wanted to laugh but deep down i was slowly breaking apart.

"Jungkook-ssi, how may I help you?" I stressed on his name as if I dont know who he is.

"Cheonsa!" Fortunately, Rye came in in time. I almost sighed out loud. She was holding hands with Jimin.

"So you made up with him?" I cheered. She smiled and nodded. Rye looked at Jimin as Jimin looked at her.

They both smiled as Jimin pulled her closer to him.

"Cheonsa can we please talk?" Jungkook tried holding my wrist but I flinched back.

"Jungkook-ssi, I have absolutely no idea who you are and I definitely do not want anything to do with you." I said sternly and stared at him deep down into his eyes.

He was on the verge of crying but he held it in.

"Cheonsa..." Rye said softly. I shook my head and smiled forcefully.

"Rye, do you mind asking your future husband to keep this stranger away?" I spat in disgust as I looked at him again.

All of them looked shocked but Rye nodded slowly.

"Jimin..." she nudged him. "Arraseo." Jimin whispered and held Jungkook by the shoulder. "Lets go back." He dragged the confused Jungkook away.

I was burning on the inside. A fire built with too much sadness and fury.

"Cheonsa ah, are you okay?" Rye placed a hand on my shoulder.

I flinched a little but nodded. "Im really really fine. The guy deserved it." I said and clenched my fist." Rye leaned back and nodded slowly.

"Are you sure you wont regret it?" She asked again softly.

I hesitated slightly but nodded. "Definitely."

Jimin dragged me back to where the rest of the group were. "So how did it go?" Taehyung asked.

I was still in a daze.

I felt Jimin shook his head. I sat down and buried my face into my hands.

"Are you still going to try to get her back?" Jimin asked.

I shook my head. "I d-dont know. I really dont know. She acts like she doesnt know me at all. How am I supposed to win her back?" I croaked.

I used my fingers to wipe the tears that managed to escape but blinked back the rest.

"It will be fine." They all hugged me.

I sobbed.

"I really r-really like Cheonsa alot alot." I said.

"I really really love her." I said again and sobbed.

"I really do."


Hellooo im going to try to finish this book by this week but seeing where this story is going i doubt i can finish it in time tho.

Next week onwards its really really gg to be super hectic i cant even todays the first day of school and im alr stressed


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