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"Phew, that was close." I panted "You bet it was." She said, out of breath too.

We ended up sitting on a bench in our school garden.

"But you do like Jimin dont you?" I nudged her elbow. "Yeah yeah. I mean he's hot and smart, literally every girl's dream." She commented.

We both laughed, staring at our reflections on the pond.

"Your dripping like a saturated sunrise."

"Your spilling like an overflowing sink." We both smiled.

"Your ripped at every edge but your a masterpiece." We sang together.

"And now your tearing through the pages and the ink." We took a deep breath and smiled.

"Everything is blue, his pills, his hands, his jeans. And now im covered in the colours."

"Pulled apart in seams. And its blue. And its blue." We sang in unison.

"Everything is grey, his eyes, his smokes, his dreams and now hes so devoid of colour he dont know what it means."

"And its blue. And its blue." We both sang.

I giggled and high-fived her.

"Wow. You girls can become singers!" We turned back and saw the boys all clapping.

"Why thank you very much." I did a small curtsy and we all laughed out loud.

"Cheonsa, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jungkook suddenly asked.

I nodded and smiled.

We left them and walked around the garden side by side.

"Cheonsa ah. Lately i've been thinking and I was wondering whether maybe you will agree to this." He said softly.

"Just say it."

"Lee Cheonsa, I like you." He held my hands and smiled at me. Widening my eyes, i looked at him. He looked so sincere.

"I like you alot alot." He said again with more confidence.

I thought for a moment. I guess, after the day we spent together, I do admit that I felt my heart flutter.

I smiled widely and nodded. "I like you too, Jeon Jungkook." I confessed.

His eyes brightened and he immediately hugged me tight.

"Thank you, Cheonsa." He said and hugged me tighter. I smiled and giggled while I extended my hand to hug him back. I hope I wont regret it.

Jungkook ah, you will have to make a move soon.

Hyung's voice kept ringing in my head as we wanted to find them.

Soon, we found them at a bench singing. I smiled upon hearing her voice.

I complimented them and asked Cheonsa if I could talk to her.

"So, lately ive been thinking and I was wondering whether you thought the same way." I said slowly.

"Sure, just say it." She said and smiled. Don't smile, it will make me more guilty.

"Lee Cheonsa, I like you." I held both of her hands and looked at her in the eye.

She looked shocked. "I like you alot alot." I said more confidently and smiled.

She then started smiling. Deep in my heart, I wanted her to reject me so that she wont get hurt but the other half of me wanted to win the bet.

"I like you too, Jeon Jungkook." She then confessed and smiled at me. I was relieved yet troubled. Maybe i just feel strange out of pity, dont think too much jungkook. Lets get this dare over with.

"Thank you, Cheonsa." I thanked her and hugged her. Thank you for trusting me for now.

I hugged her tighter. For now, just trust me.

[Edited; 19/11/17]

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